Chapter 1

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It was 8:45 p.m on a thursday summer night. It was disgustingly hot and humid and I was out for my usual jog.

The weather was really hot. Which made me irritable and cranky.

My jogs usually last like 45 minutes which I run on the school track.

I was just finishing up my last lap when I felt the breath on the back of my neck.

It froze me in my tracks. I turned around slowly and nobody was there. Only the mist of the hot summer day.

I finished up, it startled me at first, but it didn't phase me.

I started to walk home. From a distance I saw this figure, but I continued to walk ahead. As I got closer I noticed him.

At first I was scared but as I got closer to him, there was something sexy about him.

But as I drew closer he disappeared into the night.

Was it real or was it my mind playing tricks on me?

Now I am a block away from home, I felt that breath on the back of my neck again. But this time I turned around fast and almost gave myself whiplash.

And I saw his face. It was beautiful! Oh my god. But I was too scared to talk to him right now. I ran all the way home.

I was on the block of my house. I turned around to see if he was there. And he wasn't there.

I turned around so I can run faster. And I bumped into him. I tried to look at his features really quick. He looked at me really nasty.

Now I'm scared

I shoved him out of the way and ran home.

I ran into my house and slammed the door shut. My parents looked up from the TV like I was a robber. My mom said "What's wrong Brooklyn? Why did you come home so late? "Nothing. No reason ,Mom. Goodnight mom, goodnight dad."

They both said "Goodnight."

I walked upstairs and looked at my phone. It was 10:10 pm.


Wow that's late. I jumped in the shower,got dressed and went to bed. I sounded like someone was in my room. It was probably my 8 year old sister. "Bella, get out of my room." I got out of bed and looked around my room. And I didn't find anything.

I walked out of my room and went into Bella's room.

But I saw something that scared me so much, I think I peed my pants.

I saw the beautiful guy sitting in a chair next to my sisters bed. I whispered "Who are you and what are you doing here?!" He was going to say something but I cut him off and I said "Did you do anything to her? I swear if you did anything-" He chuckled and said "I didn't do anything to her."

His voice was so handsome.

He laughed. "Why are you laughing?" "No reason."

I want him to keep talking

Now he couldn't stop laughing. I said "Why are you here?" He coughed and said "Because I want you."

I looked at the TV that was still on in my sisters room. "What are you talking about?"

But he wasn't there anymore.

Was I just imagining it?

I walked up to my sister, who was sound asleep, and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

I walked out of the room and got back into my bed.

I kept saying to myself that I was just imagining it. Then I heard:

"I said I want you Brooklyn."

And it was from, him

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