Chapter 19

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Axel, Chase and I are running up the basement stairs with vampire speed, but then something grabs my ankles. I fall face first into the stairs. I’m pretty sure I broke my nose.

Axel and Chase stop. Axel just looks and Chase picks me up. Bella is behind me. I yell holding my nose, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” She just looks at me with a small grin on her face.

Axel whispers something to Chase and runs back down the stairs. I’m surprised that he got past Bella. Does she have a problem with me? I mean really I am her sister.

I really hope Axel got Roxxy to fix my freaking nose.

But then I think how come Cole hasn’t teleported out of the chair yet?

Richard laughs and yells “Get back down here!”

We walk down the stairs and Roxxy and Axel are gone. I automatically think ‘What the hell?’

But Cole is still sitting in the chair.

But then like it was on cue, Cole teleports right in front of Chase and I. I whisper “Where the hell have you been this whole time?” He turns his head a little and says “I wanted to save it.”

Richard says “Enough with this bull crap! Why can’t the little girl defend herself like her 8 year old sister?” I am furious. How dare he say that? Chase says “Dad! Her sister just broke her nose-“

“No.” I cut him off “I will defend myself.” I push Cole out of the way and move towards Richard.

Chase says “Brooklyn, don’t.” “NO, I’m going to defend myself, because I’m not a little girl.”

Cole puts his hands up and walks backward.

This is my time to shine. I throw a punch at Richard puts he blocks it and I’m thrown across the room. My head is spinning. I get up and run towards him. Someone catches me and Richard looks confused. He puts me down and we are invisible. He plants a kiss on my forehead. It’s Chase. Then this is when I see Axel and Roxxy standing next to us. Roxxy puts a hand up to my nose and fixes it. In less than 5 seconds it feels a whole lot better.

She gives me a warm smile and Axel smiles at me too. Chase and I walk behind Richard and Chase lets me go. I jump on his back and put my hand on his neck. I’m pulling and pulling but then Richard is trying to rip of my hand. But then he is screaming and I feel like I am ripping his head off.

Best way to kill a vampire right?

I am thrown backwards yet again.

Richard is on the floor trying to get his head back in place. Chase takes my hand.

We walk up to Axel and Roxxy. Axel yells “You have to get out of here! We will be fine! Just go! I’m sorry.” He says the last part quietly.

Chase nods and we run out of the house. When we are a block away all of the memories collide through my head. I remember Jasper and I. But most of all I remember Bella. I stop running.

Bella. “We have to get Bella, Chase.”

He stops too. “We can’t she is still in the house. And I am not going back in there.”

I give him a puppy dog face “Please.”

“No.” He waits a couple of seconds then says “Fine. Just wait here and don’t get yourself into trouble.”

He runs back to the house and carries Bella in his hands. She is sleeping. Chase says “I turned her back.”

“What, HOW?!” I ask. “Well it’s simple.” He says “I just put good back in here.”

“Oh that makes sense.” I say sarcastically. I give her a kiss on her forehead and whisper “I love you.”

Chase smiles and says “And I erased her memory.”

“You WHAT?!” I scream.

“NO, No, no all I did was erase her memory so all she will think was that it was a dream  and she will never remember it again.”

He laughs and runs away. Where the hell is he going?

He runs back and Bella is gone. “I dropped her back off at your house.” He says “And you know what, just for fun I erased your parent’s memory too. Only until when you said you were a vampire. They won’t even remember Jasper.”

I look at my feet. “But, do you want to hear something good?” He asks me.

I look up. “I put something in their head that I am your amazing boyfriend.”

I smile “How the hell did you do that?”

He smiles back “Well, that’s one of my powers.”

Oh. He comes closer and I wrap my hands around his neck and I give him a kiss.

He breaks away and says “Let’s go to your house and hang out after this long day. Okay?”

I don’t even get a chance to respond because we are already running to my doorstep.

I open the door and say “I’m home.” Like nothing happened.

“Oh hi honey.” My mom says. And my Dad is drinking coffee.

I run over to them and give them a big hug.  “What’s wrong is everything alright?” My dad asks.

“Ya everything is fine.” I say. My Mom says “Oh hi Chase, how are you?”

“I’m alright.” Chase responds. “How are you?”

“Good, thanks.” My Mom says.

My Dad smiles at Chase and I. And Chase smiles back. Chase says “Is it alright if Brooklyn and I hang out upstairs?”

“Ya.” My dad says “Just don’t wake up your sister and don’t you two do anything-“

“We wont.” Chase and I say at the same time.

“Is Bella sleeping?” I ask

My Mom says “Ya, you know how she gets when she is angry.”

Chase and I look at each other and laugh. “Ya we know.”

My Mom and Dad look confused then say “Go you two.”

Chase takes my hand and we walk away. I turn around and say to my parents “You know I love you right?”

“Yes.” They both say at the same time, confused. Then we walk upstairs and sit on the foot of my bed.

We both lay back and face each other. Chase gives me a kiss. “I love you.” He says

“Forever and ever.” I say

Chase says with a big smile on his face “My grandmother was right, my future would turn out amazing.”

And with that I gave him a very long, kiss.

Hey! Okay so sadly, this is my last chapter. Thank you for voting, commenting and following. I really hope you enjoyed this story and if you would like me to write another story, please comment. Thank you so much!

;)      -Jules

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