First scene: Ayra's Mate

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I quickly put back my clothes on and head towards the packhouse. It was a long run.

 Discovering that you had powers that other werewolves didn't is surprising to me. But NOW I don't have a mate to share my powers with. don't get me wrong, I like my mate, he is the most wonderful creature, sweet lovely and caring but he declined to share my powers.

 All mates share each other powers, my mate declined to share my powers as it is very rare and powerful, which means that automatically the moon goddess rips him off the position that he held as my mate. 

She usually does not do that but the powers I carry are very strong and I can't control them on my own.  In other similar cases, the female or the male wolf just take their power single-handed but I am different. Now I get to find my true mate the one true love of my life. you may wonder there is only one mate for one wolf but I am special,

1, I was paired with the wrong wolf, let me explain John was not supposed to be my mate as I was the alpha of the royal pack I had to have a mate, the moon goddess gave me a temporary mate until I find my true mate. John was perfectly fine with that until he knew about my powers he doesn't want to be my mate anymore, that's perfectly understandable, now I am left single-handed with all my powers and no mate, not even a fake one.

2. I am destiny's messenger,It controls me. I control it, I help people find their mates you could call me a mate finder. the problem is I can't control my destiny but other wolves as I am the alpha of the royal pack. I have vivid dreams or visions which help me find other peoples mate.

"Luna, John left the town in search of his real mate"

"Thanks for the info Jamie"

You may wonder if I am the alpha why do people call me Luna.

 Because I told them to, I always prefer the term Luna but my mate won't be called the alpha, as I am the alpha. Sometimes they even call me alpha Luna because they didn't want to disrespect me, my mate would simply be called the alpha consort, or by his name, if he preferred.

Suddenly I had a vision.

There was a beautiful brunette sitting on the park bench. she was holding ice cream in her hands. Suddenly a little boy next to her asked"Can we go home Maria" I tried to look for clues for where she could have lived. Behind her was a poster advertising a play happening in her local theater. The town was located nearby our pack area. I smiled to myself and opened my eyes.

"What is it, Alpha Luna?" Jamie asked concerned.

"I think I found your mate, Jamie. She lives in the town next to us. Her name is Maria, she has brown hair and blue eyes. I think she also has a little brother" I said happily to Jamie

"OMG Luna! Thank you so much. Can I..." Jamie hesitated

"You are welcome, Jamie. Go get her back to our pack." I said and Jamie left soon.

I am so happy I can help others find their mates. Only if I could find mine.

People can find mates on their own. The mate pull helps them. You know who your mate is the second you meet them after you turn 16. My powers just help them find their mates easily. My visions come at random. I really can't control them. So not all get my help. The moon goddess controls my visions and dreams. I have to find my mate the normal way, I have to trust the mate pull.


2 days later.

I was strolling through the gardens when I saw Jamie and his mate happily having a picnic. Another happy couple because of my powers. 

"Alpha-Luna The Moonshine pack has come to visit the royal pack about the rouge situation. The alpha wants to meet you" My beta Liam said.

" On my way Liam. Accommodate then in the meeting room." I replied to him as I made sure I looked okay.

Something was different as I walked towards the meeting room. As I stepped inside, my eyes flew to a man inside. He was so handsome with his black hair and six-packs. He was slightly taller than me. And my wolf howled inside went MATE, HE IS OUR MATE AYRA. 

And before I could process those words, he came closer to me and whispered MATE. And before I knew it he was kissing me, I was happy to kiss him back. I finally found my real mate. As he pulled away he said" Where are my manners? My name is Asher, Alpha of the moonshine pack. It's a pleasure to meet you My queen?"

"As you might know I am Ayra. No one calls me the queen except for the formal ceremonies Asher. Everyone calls me alpha Luna or just Luna. but you might call me Ayra. And before we take this any further I have to warn you. I have powers. I am a mate finder, I control Destiny, Only if you are willing to share these powers with me, we can be mates" I had to get it out of me. I didn't want to be heartbroken.

"Well, My beautiful Ayra. I am more than willing to do anything if it means i can be with you" Asher said as he kissed me again in front of everyone.

And at the moment all I could think of was how the moon goddess blessed me with powers and a beautiful mate.




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