Maya's Mate

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2 weeks before the first scene

I pulled my hair into a bun and started getting ready for combat training. My temporary mate John was lazily lounging near the TV. i quickly waved at him and continued my journey to the combat area. i know one day i will find my true mate.Or John still has 2 weeks to decide if he wants to become my permanent mate and share my powers. I was not looking where i was heading to and hit on someone by mistake.

"Alpha Luna! i am so sorry. i will quickly clean this up." A girl around 20 years said to me. she was nervous. 2 plates have fallen to the floor. some chocolate cake was also damaged. she must have been one of the cooks or maid.

"Hey.. It's alright. what's your name sweetheart?" green eyes stared back into me. she fiddled with her Brown hair as she replied.

"Maya. My name is Maya, alpha Luna". as she said her name, i was pulled into a vision.

Jeremy. The alpha of Bane-luck pack was in a meeting with his beta. But Jeremy already has a mate. The beta of the pack should be Maya's mate then. he was tall with black hair and was reporting back toi his alpha about some rouges.

"Alpha luna!" Maya shook me, as i came back from the vision.

"Alpha Luna! Are you alright? should i bring some water ?" Maya seemd panicked.

"I am fine Maya. I just had a vision." Maya's eyes went wide and a small tint of red crawled up her cheeks.

i grinned at her. 

"Whats your position in this pack maya?" 

" I work directly under Mrs.Capella in the nursery. the chocolate cake was for the kids, Alpha Luna" 

she seemed respectful enough, and she worked directly under the head of the nursery. she would make a good female beta with some training.

"Nursery? that is good.Well, it's your lucky day Maya. I just found your mate"

"Who...Who is it Alpha Luna?"

"It's the Bane-luck's packs beta. i don't know his name, it i can contact the alpha of the pack to let them know about your mate. you can leave as soon as i get his permission. will that be OK Maya?"

"Logan...Logan is my mate." she muttered to herself.

"You know him Maya? you don't have to leave if you want." i assured her. what if she was not comfortable with him?

"Logan was my childhood friend. i moved to the royal pack was i was 14 years old as my mom found her true mate here. I am originally from the bane-luck pack .i have not spoken to Logan since.Logan then became the beta. Alpha luna" Maya reminiscence 

"Maya... That's good right? Was he nice to you? you can stay here if you want Maya"

"No! No, He is wonderful! I want him to know i am his mate. Alpha Luna" Maya said too enthusiastically. suddenly she lowered her eyes.

" I am sorry alpha Luna. you helped me find my mate. i should not be wasting you time by blabbering about my past. if you will give permission can i shift packs Luna? to be with my mate?"

"it's alright Maya. its all part of my job. I will inform the alpha about your arrival. You seem to like this Logan guy. so i don't have to worry about your safety."

"Thank you Luna"

"Someone will inform you when you can leave. i will try to contact Jeremy and Logan before tomorrow. Have a nice day Maya!"

"Thank Luna. I really appreciate this."

I waved at her and left for my combat practice. i was already 10 minutes late. I quickly  mind-linked my beta, Liam about the situation and told him to contact bane-luck pack.

"Sorry i am late guys! Mate-finder duties caught me first!" i shouted as i entered the  combat room.

"who was the lucky person Luna?" Jamie my head guard asked.

"Her name is Maya and she works in the nursery. Her mate was the beta of the bane-luck pack" I quickly said as i got into position.

"Maya.... Maya Kingston? I know her. She would make a good female beta." Jamie said. as he zoned out.

"if things go the way i expect it to go. She would soon be Maya Bane. Now shush! back to practice boys!"


The alpha, the beta and both their mates would share the same last name once the bond is complete. the last name always has a relation with the pack name. this is to ensure that everyone knows who the alpha and beta of the packs are.  So for example in bane-luck pack it would be:

Alpha: Jeremy Bane

Luna: Linda Bane

Beta: Logan Bane

Beta female: Maya Bane

In the Ruby-moon pack(The royal pack):

Alpha : Ayra Ruby

Alpha consort: Asher Ruby

Beta: Liam Ruby

Beta female: ...........? (Next story is about liam's mate.)

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