Cracked surface

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I clutched my coffee mug to my chest, its warmth radiating through my pajamas almost soothing. The wind whipped the tree branches wildly outside my window, the storm violently bearing down on the whole city. I flinched as another bolt of lightning flashed barely a mile away, searing and angry as it struck.

I had dismissed the idea of going to work, knowing I had a meeting even that wasn't important. My sanity was important, but I knew eventually someone would come knocking, demanding I get my act together. But until they did I stayed tucked behind my window soaking in the storm as it cleansed the soot and debris from Mother Nature.

Today was the day we started our descent on Evan's territory and I wanted to stay away from anyone that had anything to do with him. I feared what it meant to go anywhere near him.

The thought of trying to work out a deal with people in close contact with him made me feel weak. And I was meant to be strong, but Evan was my one flaw. He was the one person who could make everything I tried not to be turn into nothing but crap. I second guessed myself when it came to him. No matter how great I thought I was doing, the mere thought of having to be around anything that had to do with him petrified me.

I was afraid of my actions; I didn't know what I was capable of. Would I hit him, or freak out and have a nervous breakdown of tears and snot?

"Eve." Gage called standing at the window, tucking his head into the hood of his yellow poncho. I had offered him a safe haven indoors but he gave a stern nod no, and stayed outside in the rain.

"Yeah?" I asked hoping it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. But before my eyes could deceive my mind, there Kenny was jogging up to the house. He kept his head low trying to dodge the raindrops heavily falling.

I turned away from the window as he made his way in. The sound of his wet shoes squawking on the floor reminding me he was inside.

"You know if you weren't who you were, the no call no show would get you fired." Kenny reported.

"Darn." I finally said setting my mug on the counter. I knew he wanted me to kick it into gear and fly out to wherever it was Evan was hiding with our son. And the idea of finally knowing that wasn't making me too thrilled either. I liked living in the dark on where he could be.

"Are you still mad at me for the weekend?" He laughed sending me back to his antics at my parents' house. I had gotten over that quickly realizing Kenny was an idiot most days.

"No, what do I look like?" I insisted blowing it off.

"A hot chick." Kenny winked pouring some juice; he leaned against the counter trying to find a way to ask if I was going to the meeting.

"Yes Kenny I will go, do me a favor though. Put a bullet in my head if things turn horrible." I grumbled heading off to get dressed. I definitely wasn't the ray of sunshine anyone was looking for that morning.

An hour later I was sitting in the jet, arms crossed and heart in my throat. While Kenny and the pilot chatted it up before takeoff.

"You know what they say." Our pilot laughed trying to make it back to his seat so we could get the show on the road.

"No I don't why don't you fill me in." Kenny insisted taking his seat next to me.

We both stared at the pilot waiting for him to make some sort of wisecrack, he was an older man and I figured his life must be quite boring, all he ever did was tell joke upon jokes. And rather lame ones I thought. But Kenny took a liking to him, and Leo maintained the same job for three years.

Back to life, Book 6 of the Wingless seriesWhere stories live. Discover now