Chapter 2;

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It was a cloudy day, but the sun still warmed the air to a comfortable 79 degrees. My classmates and I sat two to a seat on a bus, accompanied by our teachers, Mr. Wilson and Miss. Tanner, then our bus driver Mr. Wood. All together, there were 19 people on the bus. I sat close to the front, my best friend Samantha Jones beside me; Zander Thompson and Daniel Weston directly across from us. We chatted quietly about which animals we wanted to see first.

"I want to see the lions!" Daniel exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the monkeys!" Squealed Samantha.

"My dad told me that the alligators are huge!" Zander said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What do you want to see, Alys?" Dani questioned, turning to face me. I pulled a thinking face as my friends awaited an answer.

"The bird cages. My sister told me that where we're going, has this big bird cage you can walk through." I explained to them.

"So you'll be in with the birds?" Z asked. I nodded my head, giving them a big smile.

"I want to see that! Can we see that first, Miss. Tanner?" Dani leaned into the bus isle to look at our teacher, who sat directly in from of Sam and I.

"I think we could arrange that." She answered with a smile. Zander and Dani cheered as they leaned back and looked out the window.

"How's your sister doing, Alyssa?" Mr. Wilson asked. He was seated across from Miss. Tanner, so he didn't have to turn around to see me.

"She's good. She's called a lot. She sounds happy when she does." I said with a smile. He have me a warm smile and nodded his head.

"That's good. I assume she's healthy?" He questioned. I nodded happily, a toothless smile on my face. He smiled back, then turned towards the front window. You see, my big sister Demi, she's 16. She used to hurt herself and do bad things to her body, so she went away to get better. She'd call every once in a while, to say hi.

"What's that?" He questioned himself after awhile. The bus slowed down, then completely stopped. Mr. Wilson stood up, followed by Miss. Tanner.

"Stay seated class." Miss. Tanner instructed. "We won't be stopped for long."

"What is it?" Zander questioned. Dani leaned into the isle, trying to see what it was.

"There's a car. Maybe it broke down?" He answered, leaning back into his seat. Mr. Wood opened the front doors to the bus.

"Do you need any-" Mr. Wood was cut off as a gun shot rang out. Mr. Wood gripped his leg as men in masks entered the bus. My classmates and I shrunk down into the floorboards as we covered our heads. I took out my iPod and sent a one worded message to my big sister. I didn't know if we had signal, or if she would check her messages in time, but I knew I had to take the chance. I cowered down beside Samantha as I desperately tried to hide the fact I was texting behind my back. So with a vital attempt to save my life and my best friends, I pushed the send button. Sending my one worded message all the way to my sister, Demi. I looked down at my iPod screen, sighing in relief.

'Help' Message received.

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