Chapter 4;

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As the men made their way through the isle, they started to pick people out and send them to the outside of the bus, where they stood beside another man. The masked man on the bus had picked Zander, Dani, Sami, Tyler, Paige, Bailey, Reagan, and myself. We were taken out to the side street and sat down on the curb. They split us up into groups, Zander, Bailey, Tyler, and Paige in the first group, then Dani, Sami, Reagan, and I in the second.

The men took us over to a big truck, much like a semi, and threw us into the back. Gunshots were heard and the cries of our classmates rang out through the air. Us remaining students cowered together, wrapping our arms around each other.

Minutes later, the front and passenger doors were thrown open and then slammed shut.

When the truck came to a stop again, the doors to the back were opened and light flooded in. The men came back in and blindfolded us. They instructed us to hold onto a rope and not let go.

We were led down paths and then left in a caged room with a locked door. The blindfolds were removed and collars were placed around our necks, they started to beep as soon as they were clasped together.

"You'll sit here until you are called." One of the men spoke, but it was distorted as though he had spoke through a translator. The man left and slammed the door, leaving us all in silence.

Sorry about the short chapter guys, but this was a really quick update. I'll update again sometime when I don't have piles and piles of homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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