Chapter 3;

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Demi Lovato sat backstage at an interview. She has been out of treatment for about a week now, but was already doing interviews again. Her mother, Dianna, sat beside her reading a magazine.

Dallas and Madison sat on a small couch that was in the room, typing away at their phones. Demi sighed as she finished her makeup and leaned back in her chair.

"What's wrong?" Dianna questioned her daughter.

"I miss Lissa." Demi muttered quietly. She turned in her chair to face her mother.

"I know baby. She'll be home soon." Dianna stroked Demi's hair, smiling reassuringly to her.

"As soon as I get home, she goes on a field trip." Demi mumbled to herself. Dianna chuckled softly, putting her hand under Demi's chin, lifting it to look at her.

"She'll be home very soon. It's only a three day trip." Demi smiled and nodded, reaching over to hug her mother tightly.

'My Loves Like A Star' started playing, signaling that Alyssa had texted Demi's phone. Demi squealed happily and reached for her phone. She was startled by what she had read.


A single word. A single four-lettered word with no punctuation, that made Demi dizzy. Demi's heart plummeted into her stomach as she read the message over and over again.

"Mom." Demi breathed out quietly.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Dianna questioned worriedly. Dallas and Madison stood up, moving closer to Demi.

"Alyssa. She- I think she's-" Demi started, but she couldn't seem to bring her words into a sentence. She couldn't form a complete sentence that could possible go with the text she had received from her baby sister.

"What about Alyssa?" Dallas asked.

"She's-" Demi lost her words as she stared at her phone screen.

"Spit it out, Demi." Dianna said firmly.

"I think she's in trouble." Demi announced. Dallas reached out and snatched Demi's phone out of her hands, reading the message.

"Help?" Dallas mumbled. Dianna looked between her daughters, then ran out of the room. Madison and Demi soon followed, Dallas very close behind.

All they could think about was Alyssa. What had happened? Was it a mistake, a joke? Did a classmate steal her phone and send a message to Demi, claiming that she needed help? How would they know to do that, they are after all 5-7 year olds. Or was there actually something happening to Alyssa? They needed to know if she was OK.

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