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I hate the mall. I hate it so much.

Surrounded by happy people and happy families. Must be nice for all of them.

"Where is he?" I grumble to myself as I check my watch. Min Fuckface is late, which is honestly a rare sight.

If he doesn't get here in five minutes I'm leaving.

I tap my foot as I lean on the railing to a staircase. I'm in the center of the mall, everyone passes by me not giving me a second look.

I didn't even try with my outfit today. A black sweater and some jeans is enough. I don't want these people to notice me.

The meeting yesterday has left my brain in shambles. Jin was surprised how I locked myself in my room all day and night yesterday. That bastard is getting to my head, but I'm not stopping my resistance.

I continue to tap my foot. I'm anxious. I hate being around these people. Laughing, having fun, making jokes; it's disgusting.


I bounce back from the small soft voice. I look down to see a little girl with a army green hoodie dress and a bright pink bookbag.

Her big brown eyes stare up at me. They shake and quiver as if she's about to cry. Oh god, I hope she doesn't cry. I don't know how to take care of children.

"Y-yes?" I finally have the courage to speak.

"I-I can't-" The girl's voice starts to break. "I can't find my mommy!" The girl cries out.

She brings her tiny fists to her eyes and wails. Right there in the middle of the mall, a child wailing in agony. For some reason the way she screams in pure sadness and loneliness, it reminds me of myself.

I get on my knees and pat the kid's shoulder.

"Hey hey. It'll be okay we'll find your momma." I try to coax her.

"M-m-mommy!" The little girl hiccups and cries.

I don't know what to do! Everyone watches me and this little girl.

A good for nothing man watching a child cry. Both clueless of someone's whereabouts and both incredibly lonely.

Watching the girl's tears cascade down her face, makes me just as sad. Her face brings back too much memories, memories I was trying to forget.

I grab the little girls hand and we walk to the family restroom. Her screams have been replaced with harsh hiccups.

I wipe her face with tissues as I try to calm her down.

"It'll be okay kid. Don't cry, we're going to find your mother. I'll help you find your mother."

"R-really?" She looks at me. Her eyes are red and swollen.

"Really." I smile warmly.

"Thank you mister!" She hugs me before I even know it.

I never hug people, it's ridiculous how I have sex with people, but I don't hug them.

I hug the little girl back, it's the least I could do.

We sit on the floor of the family bathroom. The girl doesn't cry anymore, she snuggles into my chest.

She fell asleep. All those tears must've tired her out.


What am I doing?

I'm letting a stranger's child sleep on my chest. What has gotten into me? I normally would've walked away, leave the child be. However, because of this stupid therapy, my confidence is shot.

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