Sebastian Archibald
Ever since I came back from lacrosse camp in England, I have felt extremely out of place. As if everything over the summer suddenly changed. Most of my friends are nowhere to be seen, my dad has been working non-stop, and I have barely seen my sister. I feel like an outsider watching the others through a thick glass window. Looks like not even James has time to hang out anymore.
The last time we really hung out was last week. We met up with the guys for lunch at the club and I could tell something was up with him. For some reason, this time it didn't feel right to insist. It felt like we all went our separate ways over the summer, and now there was just a huge hole dividing us. I just hoped everything goes back to normal before the current seniors leave for college.
Ouch! I feel a slight pinch on my back.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Archibald." The tailor blushed with shame.
I hate getting my suits tailored, but my father insists and Sophia agrees by claiming they look better.
Getting fitted lasts forever. As soon as it's done I take the navy blue suit off and changed into my regular blazer and pants.
I practically sprint out of the Armani store. I could not wait to get the hell out of there.
A few seconds later I feel something vibrating in my pocket. I grab my phone from my pocket and my mood immediately lightens when I check the caller ID.
"You really enjoy making me suffer huh? It's not very nice of you, Humphrey." I speak out with a devilish smirk.
"Sebastian Fitzwilliam Archibald."
I hate it when she uses my whole name. It just emphasizes the amount of power she has over me. I don't have much of an ego. I would even consider myself to be a pretty down to earth dude, but when she does this, it hits right in the gut. The power a name has.
"Yes, Humphrey?"
"The palace, Suite 1402, 6 pm, don't make me wait." There is the girl I know.
"See you in a few." I sigh and with that, I hang up.
Walking into the palace I see a familiar face. Her head of distinguishable strawberry-reddish blonde locks made her stand out completely. To be honest I was not expecting to see her here. She looks so different as if the life had been sucked out of her. The is a glimmer of sorrow in her green eyes.
"Sasha, hey." I make an attempt at a nice greeting.
"Sebastian? Is that you?" Surprise is clear on her soft voice as her eyes widen.
"Oh, come on! I haven't changed that much." She laughs at this.
"It's been years. Where have you been? I don't think I've seen you since Penelope's grad party..." I drawl, wondering why she suddenly disappeared after her sister's party.
"Yeah, after P left, my mother thought it would be better if I attended an all-girls boarding school in England, but then I got kicked out, so I moved to LA with dad... and well it's a long story. Anyhow, What is up with you? How are Oli and Louis?" I can see her blush, clearly embarrassed after her rambling and I wondered why her mom wanted her to leave.
"Oliver is still Oliver and Louis, well let's just say, he has changed..."
"Changed? What do you mean he has changed?" Her red brows furrowed. It was no secret that Sasha held some pretty deep feelings for Louis.
I was about to answer when I heard the stormy voice of my nightmares.
"Ugh! You again? Disgusting." Erica steps into view with a scowl on pretty face.

City at Dawn
General FictionOn the Upper East Side, the wealthy live a complicated and scandalous life. Betrayal, drugs, alcohol, gambling, and chaos are common among Manhattan's elite. The only way to fit in is to be approved by New York royalty. if you're not then you become...