Day Six

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        Today went well for the Runners and myself. When we woke up, it was unlike any other day. Its was around 7 am and we all collected our packs and shoes and whatnot. Gavin and Parker made an excellent breakfast celebrating our going back into the Maze. But my suspicions were that they made such a good breakfast due to the reason that they thought this meal could as well be our last in this Glade.

        Anyways, the Walls opened up at 7:30 as usual, and we all head in. Around noon, I hadn't seen any Grievers, which I could not be more thankful for, but I could hear an occasional screech from one in the distance. I did, however, reach a dead end of the area I was exploring, which told me the Maze doesn't go on forever, which gave me hope, although I know hope is a shucking dangerous thing. I snacked and hydrated a few times throughout the day, which kept me going strong for the most part. When I started heading back to the Glade though, it was already later than I thought, which caused me to sprint back to the West Door. 

        I had told the Runners to be back at 4 pm, and they all were, but they were all standing around the West Door, waiting for me. I didn't get back until a quarter till five. Relieved, we all made our way back to the Map Room. Levi was the only one who in there, working away. It seemed to me as though Levi enjoyed working on the Maps than he actually did running around the Maze. Not that he seemed terrified by the Maze. He just seems to like it better in the Map Room. Before we all headed over to dinner, I asked Levi if he was interested in the Maps more than being a Runner. He gave me a klunk of an answer, saying that he didn't care and didn't mind working in either one. I then told him to figure out what he wanted to do, work in the Maze or with the Maps. "We don't have anyone working in there full-time," I told him. "Maybe we could figure out this shucking place faster if we had someone actually analyzing day to day activity through the Maps." He said he'd think about it, but I knew that was a yes. The guy is a fine drawer, better than most of us.

        Gavin and Parker made a superb dinner, good enough to match breakfast. It was almost as though we had a small celebration to the fact that we hadn't encountered any Grievers today. But as we ate, I could hear the sounds of the creatures lurking in the darkness of the Maze.


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