Day Seven

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        Well, we've been in the Maze one whole week. Nothing traumatic has happened since Minho almost kissed a Griever and nothing exciting has occurred since Alby found the weapons. The Griever sounds at night, although creepy, are getting normal now. You start to expect them when you reside here. In fact, you worry a bit if its been a full hour and you haven't heard a screech or a hiss. But then five seconds later, a Griever answers your silent worries and you drift off to sleep again. 

        No deaths since John, which pleases me. Everyone's working together to live here and doing their part to cope with the fact that we may be here awhile. No one seems to be necessarily displeased with their roles here. I mean, of course the days here can get a bit warm and working outside all day can be tedious, but we've all learned that doing your part here will keep minds occupied. But the Builders are starting to have trouble finding supplies to build things with. There are quite a few projects we want done, and there's no supplies to be had. Of course, there are the trees in the Deadheads, but the amount of work it would take for the Builders to take down the trees alone would be large, not to mention actually salvaging good pieces of wood to use.

        As for the overall emotional stage of these boys and myself, of course it varies. The first few nights, the crying amount was large. But we all have different ways of learning to live with grief. Some cried, others just spent time staring at the night sky. Then, of course, there are those who don't seem to be living with grief, but seem to be living in pure anger. Newt never seems upset more than he does furious with the fact he's stuck here. Alby, on the other hand, had an aroma of nervousness around him once in a while, which I understand. Minho, well, god knows what Minho feels.

        As for myself, I'm not so sure what I feel. I'm scared, obviously. But it's as though I feel something deeper than anger or fear. Its a motivational feeling, as though I have to be brave for all of these boys. I have to find them a way out of this place. I have to keep them alive at any cost. I can't quite describe it any further than that. Just thought I'd record the feeling..

        Tomorrow, if we are unable to find more tools and such for the Builders, we may have to reconsider our approach for improvements here..


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