The Demon Roshi

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No POV: "hey yukki who's the demon again?" said Shiro. Yukki said "her names Roshi I think well people call her THE HELL SOUL" they kept walking to the city's main hall and found a hotel. "Hey yukki lets get a hotel to sleep in k?" She said ok so they went in. Got a place put down their stuff. "umm i have something to tell you" "what yukki something bad?" "No" said yukki "so what?" Said Shiro. "she said meet me under the sakura tree at the park in hargeon at 8:00 K?" "K" 

Shiro POV: I did not know what to say so I said yes. We went to the demon roshis den and saw her right in front. I thought 'wouldn't there be guards?' Well we began the fight I use razor magic so I sliced her leg it bled then yukki went up and used FAIRY BLADES! Wow it made her almost die in one cut SO COOL!  Then she used FAIRY HOLE! Huh a fairy hole but it's so powerful she killed her in two moves and I only helped her with one cut I said "sorry for not helping ya" that was in a cute voice so she would forgive me... she said something about more power and strength but ignored her.

                                                            END OF CHAPTER!

AN: well still short sorry I'm doing this during reading so I need to be quiet 🤐. I want to thank my friend and boyfriend Kaito Nāme for inspiration on this beautiful story! I'm gonna show you my friends account on quotes so use that if your not a member k?

Here's da link.                                                         just ya know copy and paste it

Under The Sakura Tree {completed}Where stories live. Discover now