CHAPTER 40-The Queen Tree

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I read somewhere that no tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell. 

Too bad that roots of this tree are my fingers.

LoG, 213

"Exactly so, Brand-Bearer." the soft, slow voice reverberated all around Nalina. It was so similar to the rustling of the leaves beneath her feet, that she wondered for a moment if she had really heard it at all.

Where is that voice coming from?

The acorns that accompanied her to the clearing were now nowhere to be seen. The space around the giant Queen Tree was completely empty. It was just her and the tree that could squash her in any moment like a bug; Nalina panicked a bit.

Nah. She wouldn't do that. Would she? 

After all, they all invited me here. They said there is to be a feast in my name tomorrow. I hope I wasn't supposed to be the main course! And why did she call me "Brand-Bearer?"

"It is my ... My privilege to be here among you, Queen. Tree. I wouldn't want to pass through this forest without visiting your village and seeing for myself how the Acorn people live."

"Such eloquence. No less is to be expected from The Brand-Bearer, The Etched One," The Queen Tree's chuckle playfully danced around Nalina's ears, tickling her pleasantly.

That title again.

"Where did everybody go?" Nalina tried to maintain a casual tone of voice, like talking with gigantic trees was something she did every day.

"It is The Dark, after all, my kinswoman, and most of the acorns are now safely resting in their pods. I am watching over their dreams. But now, I would speak with you. Let me see your face, human."

Nalina, startled, staggered backwards when a huge branch with five dendric digits lowered itself. It waited for Nalina to climb on top of it as if it were some kind of a giant humanoid palm. "Here goes nothing." She closed her eyes and stepped on it.

Nalina was immediately taken to the incredible height. From where she stood now, she could see the entire forest and further Right, the faint lights of The City of Lagad. In the centre of The Squareworld, stood the sequestered and impossibly tall Mountain of Burum, and to the DownRight, the mass of water she knew as The River Tebesum.

Grogmog let out a small hiss, craning his neck towards the river. He flew for a while around Nalina's head, squealing longingly, and then he settled on her shoulder yet again.

A kind, wrinkled face, twice the size of Nalina's body, appeared on the tree bark. One of its chestnut-coloured eyes opened wide and looked straight at the princess. The other one remained closed and hidden behind a huge strand of hair, similar to the ones that small acorns had.

Nalina now realized that The Queen Tree had picked her up so that she would be able to see her. Strangely enough, Nalina felt perfectly safe with her, despite the vertiginous height.

"That's much better. Greetings, princess of Lagad. And greetings, Reka. We are thankful for the water you and your kinsmen have provided us since the beginning of time." She addressed Grogmog as well. 

Nalina found that interesting since most of the people they encountered considered Grogmog to be a peculiar creature, an accessory or a pet.

The Queen Tree regarded him as an equal.

"The human is closer to The Crown, now, and she may even feel it like we do–moving, shaping itself, breathing and beating."

"Hi! Yes! I definitely do feel it." Nalina waved and smiled, relaxed, sensing the strange comforting pulsating all around her. Then she remembered something. "The Acorns mentioned something about how you ... You saw me coming with your ... Um ... Good Eye?"

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