Chapter 3

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I walk down to the town square the next morning with a knot in my stomach. The square is packed with people, dressed in their best clothes. I'm wearing a green dress with my long brown hair falling down my shoulders. Griffin, Huck and I go to the main desk where a woman in white is taking blood samples.

I notice Huck wincing as the needle pricks his skin. I exchange a glance with Griffin.

"Good luck," he says quietly. I nod, and join the group of the other sixteen-year old girls.

Emerald, District 4's escort is already standing on the stage. You can tell she's from the Capitol. Her trademark feature is her green hair that hangs down past her waist. She's wearing a green dress that when I look closer I realize has small emeralds on it.  Even her ears have emeralds glinting in her lobes.

Emerald coughs loudly and pointly. Everyone turns their gaze to her.

"Welcome ladies, gentlemen and brave tributes!" she announces. I notice her silvery Capitol accent.

"Welcome to the Reaping of the 74th Hunger Games!" Then Emerald steps down as the Mayor stands up to do his speech and show the video of 'The Dark Days'.

I let my thoughts wander instead of listening to President Snow. I look over at the boys. There's Huck, looking scared. I feel a pang in my heart. First Reaping, I remind myself. He'll be safe.

Before I know it, the video has finished and the Mayor is handing the microphone over to Emerald.

"Now for the exciting part!" Emerald sings. She walks over to the glass bowl with the slips of paper.

"Ladies first!" Her green-fingernailed hand reaches in. I can't stand the tension.

"Dixie Ivory!" she calls. I see a little girl with blonde hair, only twelve years old. Huck's best friend. Suddenly I have a mental image of her being stabbed my the girl from my dream.

One glance at Huck's face and I know what I have to do.

"I volunteer!" I yell. "I volunteer as tribute!"

"ARIEL!!! NO!!!" screams Huck. "DON"T GO!" He starts to sob uncontrollably. Two Peacekeepers push him back under the rope.

"Any other volunteers?" Emerald says. She doesn't seem fazed by the racket Huck is making.

The crowd is silent. To my relief (or disappointment?) no one else steps up.

This is unusual. Normally kids are busting to be a volunteer. I guess Huck's screaming put them off.

I stand there numb as Emerald reads out the boy tribute's name. Otto Baxwoll. That guy is only fourteen years old, and is two classes below me at school. Quite handsome, but sort of skinny.

I dimly hear Emerald asking for volunteers and then declaring, "Shake hands, proud tributes from District 4!"  I shake hands with Otto.

Then reality hits me like a block of concrete slamming onto my chest.

I'm going into the 74th Hunger Games to fight to the death.

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