Team 7 is formed!

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It was graduation day! All the academy students were chatting amongst themselves about there becoming a ninja, what teams they wanted to be on, and so on. Well. All except one. In the back of the class sat the one and only Naruto Uzumaki, he was the forgotten student and person in general. Barely anyone actually acknowledged him and the people who did, well let's just say it was in a lead then friendly way. But Naruto really didn't care. He was alone since the day he was born and when your alone that long you get used to it.

Naruto took a minute to glance around the class room to see his fellow "Classmates". There was Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno, both major fan girls and major annoyances. A few seats above them was Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi, shikamaru could possibly be the laziest humans Naruto has ever meet, then there was Choji who might be the only person who could eat more Ramen then him. To there right was Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame, Hinata and Shino were both quite reserved while Kiba being the exact opposite, he was loud and brash, not to mention he makes it quite known that he has feelings for said hyuuga who seems to have a thing for him as well. Last but certainly not least were the Uchiha twins, Sasuke Uchiha and his sister Aiko Uchiha, Sasuke was rookie of the year and often enjoyed showing the results off the training he does with his brother (By the way Itachi never had to kill the Uchiha's so they are all still alive) Aiko on the other had was Kunochi of the year, she was a lot more kinder then her brother but also had a hint of cockiness that would show ever how and then. I all honest Naruto could care less what team he ended up on, either way I was most likely still going to be training him self and being ignored by his teammates not that he really cared.

Iruka walked in the room and shushed ever one so he could read off the teams. Everyone took their seats eager to learn what team they would end up on.

Iruka pulled out a list "Alright team one is—" Naruto stoped paying attention and decide to just wait till his name was called. "The next team will be a team of four do to the class size Team 7 will consist of, Sasuke Uchiha, Aiko Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzamaki."
At that, the class went deathly quiet and some slowly turned their eyes towards the back where their most distant classmate sat. Of course, the lull was broken when Iruka announced that their sensei's would be coming to pick them up soon.

Time Skip 1 hour
All the teams were gone besides team seven. Sasuke sat next to Aiko while trying to ignore Sakura next to him who was pestering for dates, Sakura was pestering Sasuke while saying something about faith and love conquers all, Aiko sat quietly but was taking subtle glances at her blonde teammate who she was quite curious about considering no one every really talked to him. Naruto on the other hand was in asleep on the desk not caring about what was happening around him. After another brutal two hours with all of them preforming similar actions there sensie finally arrive. " my first impression of you, your all annoying, meet me on the roof in five minutes and don't forget to wake blondie." With that they sensie left. Aiko was about to go over to Naruto and wake him up but when she looked back to where he was he was already gone. She didn't know how he left without them noticing but was now even more curious about her new blond teamMate.

On rooftop

Kakashi sat down on the rail of the roof top and moved to pull out his porn- Book to pull out his book when Naruto shunshined up to the roof top. He was quite shocked even though he hid it well. Since when did a genin know how to do justu of that level. Not to mention that Naruto's file has him down as all around average, he would defiantly need to keep a eye on him, after always look underneath the underneath.
3 minutes later the other three members made it to the roof tops, and they were shocked to see the Naruto was already there. Sasuke sat down to the left with Sakura on his Right, while Aiko sat down in between Naruto and Sasuke.

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