Not What They Signed Up For

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The next day, Team 7 had all assembled at the main gate. On gate duty that day, chūnin Izumo Kamizuki and Kotetsu Hagane couldn't help but smile and light lightly at the excited faces of the genin waiting at the gate. Aiko had her eyes closed with a excited smile on her face as she hummed a little tune to herself. Sasuke was shaking a little in apprehension and excitement, his lips quivering from trying to stop himself from smiling too much. While Naruto looked at the forest through the gate with a blank expression, a tiny spark of excitement in his eyes. Sakura....FUCK SAKURA. After a few minutes Tazuna arrived followed by Kakashi , who after seeing the looks of shock that he was on time plastered on his genin faces, couldn't help but smile himself.

As Team 7 headed towards the wave, Kakashi along with Naruto noticed a suspicious looking puddle. Naruto raised a eyebrow 'it hasn't rained in days how stupid are they'

As Kakashi stepped on he puddle chains wrapped around him and ripped him to pieces, to the horror of his genin and Tazuna.

The chains retracted as two cloaked figures charged at the group, claw like gauntlets raised to strike. "One Down." One of the cloaked figures said as they approached the group.

Aiko froze, she thought her sensei was one of the best in the village, if she got taken down what good would she be. Swallowing her fear, she dodged the cloaked figure with straight hair as they lunged at her with his gauntlet.

Sasuke seeing his sister in trouble immediately threw a volley of shuriken at the person attacking her, managing to get her attention long enough for Aiko to kick them away, as she threw her own shuriken. While Aiko and Sasuke were occupied with one of the cloaked figures, the other one with unruly hair charged Sakura  and Tazuna.

Tazuna was scared, he had seen an ex-anbu captain get ripped to pieces and now he was going to see a couple of kids get killed before he died. The two kids were managing to hold off one of them but the blonde alone wasn't going to hold off the other one. As the other attack approached Tazuna and Sakura could only watch in shock and awe as the blonde headed kid actually stopped them.

Meizu couldn't believe was just happened, a kid stopped his attack with just a kunai. A kunai against his gauntlet. But he respond as a he felt pain erupt on the right side of his body.

As Meizu lunged at him, Naruto whipped out a kunai in a reverse grip, letting the gauntlet of his opponent glide across the blade of his kunai, Naruto deflecting the attack to the left side of his body, and judging from the shock of his opponent he didn't expect that to happen.

"Oh well," Naruto thought as he retaliated, spinning and connecting his elbow to the left side Meizu's body, a sickening snap echoing across the road as Meizu fell to the ground gasping for breath and clutching the side of his body. However, Naruto didn't his assault as he turned around and stuck the back of Meizu's head, his opponent's head impacting the ground with a dull thud as he remained motionless.

Naruto turned back towards the others just in time to see Kakashi finish the other one off. Sasuke and Aiko to a breath of relief only to remember the other one, quickly turning there head to their blonde teammate they could only let there jaws hand open upon seeing him standing above his now dead enemy with a blank look on his face. Sasuke would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed and Aiko was now more curious then ever. With that settled the set back out on there way.

A good amount down the road the team began to relax realizing that they were almost to their destination. But the moment was immediately tense as Kakashi shout at them to get down. "GET DOWN!" Forcing Tazuna onto the ground as his genin quickly followed his order, a large blade soared overhead and embedded itself in the trunk of a tree behind them.

"Well, well, well. So you were able to dodge my Kubikiribōchō eh? Guess you aren't as bad as you look." A mocking voice said as they turned around to see a figure standing on the handle of the blade before jumping down and taking it out of its resting place and putting it on his shoulder.

Kakashi immediately narrowed his  eyes, his body tense, ready to take action. "Zabuza Momochi, the 'Demon of the Hidden Mist'. What are you doing here?" Kakashi questioned, hoping that he wasn't here for Tazuna. But his worries were immediately answered as he let out a mocking laugh.

(The fight goes the exact same, so I'm skipping to we're Naruto jumps in.)

As Zabuza charged the amazing Genin that we're fully ready to die the could do little but close there eyes and hope it would be quick. But to there utter shock and surprised they opened there eyes To see Naruto in front of them blocking the sideways swing with his tanto in front of him. That wasn't what shocked his teammates though. It was they look on his face, gone was the blank expression that he seemed always have, in its place was a look of determination and confidence. Once Naruto engaged Zabuza the fight seemed pretty even but eventually Zabuza started to slowly wear Naruto down. Zabuza and Naruto charged each other both going for a finishing strike, once the attacks hit they both stood there seemingly un harm, that was until Naruto coughed up Blood that stained his mask, before Naruto fell ovet he went through a series of hand signes, Lightning Net~ out of Narutos hand came  a streak of lighting that forced Zabuza to lose his hold on the water prision. (Kakashi's fight was the same except Kakashi doesn't pass out after because he used less energy) Once the hunter ninja took Zabuza away Aiko and Sasuke quickly ran over to Naruto with Aiko checking his pulse, she let out a sigh of relief when she found it. Kakashi carried and unconscious Naruto on his back as they headed to the Tazunas house.

After they had all settled into Tsunami, Tazuna, and Inari's home; Team 7 had one thing on their minds, that being Naruto. After Kakashi had finished treating him and Tsunami directed him as to where he was going to be sleeping, he had called Sasuke, Sakura and Aiko together for a team meeting to tell them that Zabuza was alive and that they would be training for the upcoming fight.

After Dinner Aiko and Sasuke decided to check on their blonde teammate, when they walked into his room they saw he was still sleeping, Sasuke looked at his sister. "Aiko I'll be back I'm going to go get some cold rags for his forehead." With that said Sasuke left. 

Aiko looked down at her mask teammate. She couldn't help but wonder who he really was, there is so little that she knows about him. Then something else peeked her curiosity, what does he look like under that mask. Quickly Aiko glances around to make sure no one was watching, once she saw there was no one else she slowly reached down until she was able to grasp the mask, then ever so slowly She pulled the Mask down.

Aiko could cell the heat rise to face as she stared at Naruto. 'Who what of thought he'd be so handsome' the thing that really caught her attention was the whisker marks on his  cheeks she had to admit they made him look even cuter. 'I wonder if there real' Aiko ran one of her fingers over one of his whiskers and froze. 'Did- Did he just- no there's no way' she repeated the same notion and sure enough, Naruto Uzamaki the cold unknown Genin was indeed purring. Aiko couldn't help but giggle while repeating the action, something about knowing that she was possibly the only person to see this side of him made her feel special.
"Aaa Aiko. What are you doing." Aiko froze when she heard her twins voice. Quickly straighten herself up. "Sasuke I don't here you come in." "Yaaah" Aiko walked up and took the rags from Sasuke. "Well off to bed Sasuke we have training in the morning I'll handle Naruto." She closed the door on him and secretly continue to pet Narutos whiskers. Aiko ended up falling asleep after while.

(That's the chapter sorry if it sounds kinda rushed. Ill try to slow down the next one. I will probably have naruto start having feelings for Aiko around the mid chin in exams. I don't know when I will have them end up together I might do it after the chunin exams. Also because Sasuke is not a mega emo in this story there will be no Sasuke retrieval arc so I will probably make up my own arc which will, be harder, so during that time my updating will,be slower. Until next time)

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