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Sakura quickly made her way over to Sasuke "We passed!! Sasuke how about we go out to celebrate!?" Sakura suggested excitedly. Sasuke grunted, but Aiko cut him off. "We should all go out to celebrate." Sasuke seemed reluctant at first but agreed, Aiko then turned to Naruto who was walking away Aiko quickly called out to him . "Wait, Naruto we are all going out to celebrate. Aren't you coming?" Naruto turned to her with a blank stare. "Thats not really my thing, thanks for the offer though." With that he continued on the path the the place he liked to train. Leaving a downcast Aiko, and neutral Sasuke, and a oblivious Sakura who was to busy focusing on her 'date' with Sasuke.

On the way to a barbecue restaurant they meet up with the rest of the teams that passed there test and all decide to celebrate together. Once they got to the restaurant they all sat down at a table eager to talk about there test and how they passed.

Kiba looked at the rest of the Genin with cocky grin, "You should have seen are sensei, she was so strong, probably the strongest." Shikamaru muttered something about Troublesome loud mouths, when he noticed that someone was missing. Now granted Shikamaru hasn't talked to Naruto since they were kids but he still somewhat cared about the blonde, they used to sneak out of class together as kids and if he is being honest regrets that he stopped hanging out with him. Shikamaru looked over towards team 7 and decide to ask them even if it was a drag. "Yo, if you guys passed. We're is Naruto." This got a disgusted look from Sakura, a Small frown from Sasuke, and a sad look from Aiko. "He said it wasn't really his thing." Aiko said in a sad tone. Sakura snorted "Who cares he's just the dead last, not to mention he's all quite and stuff." Kiba gave Sakura a annoyed look. "So team mate you are, no wonder he didn't want to come." Like Shikamaru, Kiba actually likes Naruto and wanted to try to hang out with him more now that they were Genin. After they finished eating they gave each other goodbyes and went to there separate homes.

The next couple weeks were all basically the same thing. They would all meet at the bridge with Kakashi being his usual 2 hour late, Sakura screeching, Sasuke ignoring her, and Aiko trying to get to know Naruto more with little to no luck.  Now we find are selves in The Hokage Office.

"Hokage-sama. I think my cute little genin are ready for their first C-Rank mission. We've completed the minimum number of 30 D-Ranked missions, and I know that they'll be able to handle it." As the words left Kakashi's mouth, Sasuke's eyes burned with the flames of determination within them. Aiko's eyes widened in excitement as she straightened her back and put on a determined face. Naruto's face still remained blank, but there was a little excitement in his eyes. While Sakura looked unsure, to her doing chores her whole ninja career was fine. The look on the Genin faces made the Hokage agree.

He handed Kakashi the mission scroll. "It's a simple escort mission, but I think your team will be able to handle it. Alisa-san could you please let in Tazuna-san." Turning towards the door, the Hokage called out to the secretary to let in their client.

The door soon opened to reveal a grey-haired, bespectacled man. As soon as he reached them he turned and gave them his evaluation of them. "I thought I paid to hired a team to escort me; not two little girls, two little boys and a scarecrow. I bet those four kids haven't even touched a weapon and that man hasn't been in a real fight." Tazuna said as he took a gulp from a small bottle of sake.

Sasuke scowled as Aiko and Sakura  frowned, definitely not liking how he was implying that they were weak. Naruto didn't react, but he did clench his hand slightly. But before things could escalate, The Hokage immediately narrowed his eyes and raised his voice at Tazuna.

"Tazuna-san, I would appreciate it if you don't insult the people that will be escorting you. The ninja before you are more then capable of protecting you, Kakashi is one of my top, Ninja being an ex-anbu captain.

At that information Sasuke, Aiko and Sakura looked shocked.  Sakura because she had someone of such caliber protecting her on missions and Aiko and Sasuke because they didn't know that their sensei held such a prestigious position. Naruto didn't react but was also surprised at this, though he knew that he was a lot stronger then he lead on.

Alright my cute little genin, we're meeting tomorrow at the main gate and head towards Nami no Kuni (Land of Waves) then alright. From the mission details, we're going to be escorting and guarding Tazuna-san while the Wave complete a bridge. So pack enough supplies for at least a month to be safe alright?" After his instructions, his genin nodded and they were all dismissed.

Kakashi stopped Naruto before he could head home much to the surprise of the others. Kakashi looks towards the other three. "You guys go on ahead I just want to talk to Naruto."
Reluctantly the other three left. Naruto looked at Kakashi. "What did you want to talk about Kakashi?" Naruto asked honestly curious. Kakashi took a pieace of paper out of his back pocket. " Naruto do me a favor and put your chakra into this ok."

Naruto did as he was told and to his surprise the paper cut in half with both half's crumbling. Kakashi gain a smile "Naruto you have a strong affinity for Wind, and Lightning. I'm not a wind user so I can't help you there but my element is lightning." Kakashi the pulled a black scroll out of his poach "I've seen you train Naruto, you are a lot stronger then other Genin so I think you can handle this. These are a couple lightning Justu that you can start training to use." Naruto was shocked he didn't think his sensei would actually help him considering how most people treated. I looked at Kakashi with a glint of happiness in his eyes that shocked him a bit. "Thank you, this means a lot to me.....Sensei." And with that Naruto left to go practice the Justu in the scrolls. Kakashi couldn't help but smile. He knew Naruto was going to be an amazing Ninja one day.

(There's another chapter. I plan to have Naruto slowly open up like he did just now with Kakashi. Also I'm going to have Naruto mainly be trained by Kakashi. I know some people won't like this but it's my story so sorry but instead of Sasuke learning the Chidori from Kakashi Naruto will. Sasuke will be learning a lot of Itachi Moves. Aiko will be learning from Itachi as well as someone else, and Sakura will be learning from Tsunade.)

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