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Note #13

Today Is May 2nd.....We met up with each other at a coffee shop...You apologized and said that you felt like I was drifting apart so you wanted to hurt me like I hurt you.


I was never ever fucking drifting from you. I was wanting your love more than ever. All I got was shit from you.

How could you fix your mouth to say something so idiotic.

But I'm so fucking stupid because I still FUCKING love you with everything in me. You're my heart and soul....Was those 3 years anything to you?

Did you break my heart because we hadn't sex ever until like a few months ago?

Was it because I'm not pretty enough??

Was I not loving you enough??

God why do I do this to myself.

I fucking hate myself.

But I love you so damn much.

I made another mistake getting back together with you in that coffee shop.

Your mistake?

Making me feel less than I am.


🙄Really harry.

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