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Zayn texted Harry asking if he can come by the house they once shared. Harry replied yes waiting for his ex lover to arrive.

Once Zayn got to the house he knocked on the door waiting for harry to open the door but Niall did.

"Hey....What are you doing here?" Niall asked raising an eyebrow

Zayn practically scowled at the blonde man mentally cursing him out.

"I'm here to see harry" Zayn says.

Niall was going to say something else but Harry came into view putting his hand on Niall's shoulder holding Zaheed.

"Baby Zah is asleep mind putting him in his room?" He says smiling at Niall.

"Of course princess" Niall says pecking his lips taking Zaheed to his room laying him down.

Zayn frowned at them. Wishing it was him in that position what hurt most was harry was supposed to be his princess.

"Can we talk outside please" Zayn whispers.

"Um yeah sure" Harry say walking out his house closing the door sitting down on the porch steps.

"I-I Dont e-even know where to begin h-harry" Zayn chokes out tearing up.

"Z-za-" Harry goes to speak but Zayn cut him off sitting beside Harry speaking.

"N-no listen o-okay.." Harry nods ready to hear what Zayn has to say.

"I'm so sorry...and I know no matter how many sorrys I say it won't mend what I did to your heart and beautiful soul. Harry when I cheated I wasn't thinking. I was being a dumb boy who just didn't see what he had in front of him. Gigi meant nothing to me, and I'm so sorry for hurting you. I can't really explain why I cheated, but I can explain that harry you are the one I love to no end" Zayn pauses sniffling about to say more but gets cut off.

"What the hell you mean you love me to no end!?! You lied and cheated on me Zayn you deceived me you hurt me!! Does that mean anything to you" Harry cries.

"I'm trying to mend this harry!"

"You can't fucking mend it...there's nothing to mend you broke me apart and now nialls fixing me and putting the pieces you broke down back together" He sniffles.

Zayn looked like a fish out of water. He knew he hurt harry but he knew now that this wasn't going to blow over anytime soon.

"Harry....I-I..p-please I am sorry...I wanna be in my sons life I wanna be the father he can look up to...I wanna be the man that you love and I know maybe what we had is probably over that doesn't mean we can't be friends for the sake of our child.... I will apologize and tell you I love you everyday until the day I die until you see how much I love you. No matter if you move on. If you and that Niall guy get married. I will always tell you I love you because the love I have for you is real. Something so deep I might drown."

Harry tears up listening to every word Zayn is saying.

"When we first started dating...I looked at you and was like damn...He's the one I wanna marry.....He's the one I wanna be with the rest of my life...The one I see myself having 18,000 kids with" Harry giggled at that looking up at Zayn.

"I will never ever forgive myself for hurting your heart harry when I was supposed to cherish and hold it with all my love and adoration. You mean the world to me harry and like I said I'll tell you every fucking day until my last breath. Even when I take my last breath I will say I love you so much and how sorry I am for not treating you like the princess you are" Zayn finishes looking in Harry's eyes tears falling down his cheeks.

Harry cries pulling Zayn close kissing him passionately. All the love and hurt, compassion, the stress all in this very loving kiss. Salty tears mixing into one another neither of them caring only the fact that there lips are molding together like two puzzle pieces.

After a few more minutes and both out of breath they look at each other smiling.

"Me and Niall aren't together" Harry says making Zayn look at him in confusion.


"I wanted you jealous because I wanted you to see what you were missing out on...Niall dates Liam" Harry sniffles giggling at zayns expression.

"W-Wait so does that mean you're giving me a-another c-chance?" Zayn whispers happily.

"Third times a charm" Harry says kissing Zayn again takes no time before zayn responds pulling the beautiful boy close.

They pull away looking in each other's eyes.

"You wanna know your accomplishment?" Harry says?


"For coming after me and showing me that it will always be me and you even if you made your mistakes." Harry says smiling softly looking at him.

Even though Zayn made so many unforgiving mistakes harry will always love the beautiful man with everything in him.


The end.


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