Chapter one

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Izuku's pov

I smile at the old lady who stops by the shop every other day.Today she has a box with her."please take them and give hem new homes, "She smiles.I look in the box to see four hungry and cold kittens.I smile at them." I will, "i smile." There pure bred Norwegian Forest cats, "the lady smiles." Wow really.There so cute, "i smiled.When i looked back up she was gone." Weird, "i mumbled.I take the kittens out and set them on the floor and feed them some milk.They seem to enjoy it.Im glad the back of the counter is like a pen.I hear the door bell chime so i get ready to stand up but the pure black kitten climbs onto me.I lift it up and cradle it as i stand.I see a male skimming the cats in cages." Hello, "i smiled.The male peaks at me and i realize its Hitoshi shinso." Hitoshi, "i say in pure shock." Izuku, "he questions." I haven't seen you in months, "i smiled." Yeah well i never stayed in touch with anyone, "he sighed.I got out behind the counter still holding the black fluff.I walked up to him and hugged him.He slowly hugged back." I didn't stay in touch with anyone but kacchan who decided he wanted to go to the same college as me and todoroki and uraraka who both wanted to do the same thing as me, "i sighed.He looked down at the fluff now on my shoulder and smiled.He rubbed its nose." Yeah this lady came in with a box of four pure bred Norwegian Forest cats, "i smiled." Cute, "he mumbled." Yeah they are.Wanna see the other three, "i asked.He nodded and i took him to the counter and let him in.The kittens ran to me meowing like crazy.Hitoshi bent down and the white and grey one rubbed against him as the others climbed me like a tree.They all snuggled against my neck except for the one Hitoshi was holding." Since you fed them they think your their mama, "Hitoshi smiled." I was actually gonna take them home but if you want one i would be glad to give you one, "i smiled." Thanks Izu, "he smiled.I blushed at the name." I haven't been called that in awhile, "i blushed." Here why don't i give you my number.Im getting a new apartment that allows pets so if you can hold onto this little guy in my hands for a week and i'll get to you when im finished moving in, "he smiled.I gave him a pen and paper as the kittens got off of me and continued drinking the milk i gave them.He stood really close next to me as he wrote down his number.I blushed as his hip slightly slid against mine.He handed me the paper and i ripped it in half and wrote my number on the blank piece and gave it to him." Thanks izu, "he smiled." No problem toshi, "i smiled.His face turned red as i called him that.I waved at him and he left." Hey izuku its my shift go on and get to class, "a girl with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and black glasses said to me.I took off my name tag and clocked out.I grabbed my hoodie and put it on.I put two kittens in the pocket and two in the hood.I got on my bike(normal bike) and rode to my apartment that was full of animals.My apartment room wasn't full of animals but he apartment itself was.I walked to my room where a red and white husky met me." Hey Rose, "i smiled.I set the kittens on the floor.Rose sniffed them.I trusted rose with cats because i already have one cat.His name is Aizawa.He is a black cat who is grumpy and sleepy all the time.Lets just say my homeroom teacher turned into a cat and i was forced to keep him.Long story.They begin to scratch on the cat scratch toys that i bought mr.Grumpy but he never uses them.I walk up to the black cat and rub his head.He purrs as i do this but also refuses to look at me." I have four new cats.One is for a friend.Maybe you remember Hitoshi, "i smirked.He shot up and meowed." I know he was your favorite student.I'm also getting closer to a cure so if your good maybe you can talk to him again, "i smiled.He meowed and laid back down.My phone went off." Shit i have 10 minutes till class, "i groaned.Aizawa hissed when i cussed but i rolled my eyes and grabbed my books.I stuffed them in a bag and ran out of the apartment and got on my bike.I began peddling to class.I got to class 2 minutes early.I sat beside Todorki and Uraraka." Guess who i met today, "i smiled." Who, "uraraka giggled." Hitoshi, "i smiled." Your highs-, "i covered her mouth." His what, "todoroki growled." Nothing, "we both giggled.Todoroki has a huge ass crush on me but i only like him as a friend." So have you talked to Iida, "i giggled.She blushed." We have a date, "she gushed.I smirked." Oh right by the way i have 3 new cats and im holding onto a cat for hitoshi, "i smiled." Is aizawa happy with it, "todorki asked." Im working on a cure for him he should be, "i smiled." You two are very clingy to each other, "todorki growled." He might be my old teacher but he is also a cat, "i rolled my eyes." What ever, "he growled." Morning class.Today we are gonna be talking about how to remove a female animals egg sack and a male animals....

(Sorry im not great with remembering what is removed from a male animal.I know its their tip and ball sack but i couldn't think of a sciencey way of saying it)

I ride my bike home and say hello to the neighbors as i get my mail.I walk to my room and plop on the couch."bill one bill two bill three, "i groan as i look through the mail.Aizawa walks on me and curls up on my chest.I rub his head." I'll worry about money tomorrow because saturday is bill day and work day but not the point, "i sigh.I take Hitoshi's number out of my pocket along with my phone and put his number in my contacts.I take a picture of the white and grey kitten before it jumps on me.I look to see what gender it is.


Izuku-Hey here is a picture of your baby girl
-izuku shared a link-

I set the kitten down and rub the purring aizawa's head.My phone went off.


Izuku-Hey here is a picture of your baby girl
-izuku shared a link-

Hitoshi-thanks for telling me the gender now i can think of a name and thanks for the picture😉

Izuku-what's with the emoji😳

Hitoshi-it's just a friendly winky face 😆

Izuku-i didn't even know you were the type of person to use emoji's😋

Hitoshi-i use them allot🙂

Izuku-can you make a story with them😄

Hitoshi-lets see...👧👦...👨👩...💏....👬🙍....🙎....👴👵....👪👬💑💏👫...👼

Izuku-ok i got this.A girl and boy grew up together even had their first kiss together but the boy was gay.He married and she was sad.When they were old they told stories of their lives in the nursing home till the boy died.

Hitoshi-yea that's correct

Izuku-yay i got it

Hitoshi-what is your sexuality?

Izuku-I'm bisexual but lean more towards guys.How about you?

Hitoshi-I'm just flat out gay.The only girl i ever dated was mina but she cheated on me and i flat out yelled in her face i didn't like the taste of pussy anyways

Izuku-is that how you came out?

Hitoshi-yes.yes it was

Izuku-i just kissed a guy then kissed a girl and said hey im fine either way and Kacchan threw a book at me

Hitoshi-i hate him.I also strongly dislike that Todorki kid

Izuku-he is madly in love with me even tho i keep telling him no.He is jealous of my cat and dog and now even more jealous cuz your cat is at my house

Hitoshi-he needs help

Izuku-yeah he does

-hours later-

Izuku-man its been fun catching up with you

Hitoshi-it has

Izuku-todorki would kill you if he knew i talked to you for this long

Hitoshi-let him come i am ready

Izuku-hahah..well i have taxes and work tomorrow and its already 2am.Im gonna hit the hay.Good night Toshi

Hitoshi-good night Izu😘

"What a flirt, " i sigh.I put my phone on the charger near the couch.I cant go far because there is a dog on my feet.Kittens on my legs and a grumpy cat on my chest.I sigh and close my eyes.

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