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The flat wasn't huge but she wasn't surprised. Why would Agent Mundy splash out unnecessarily? She was supposedly paying for the house on a teachers wages, it would be unrealistic for her to live in a mansion. Still, she couldn't help but miss her own spacious kitchen, her own more than pocket sized bathroom and her comfortable living space.

From what Mundy had told her, Peralta was rarely anywhere he was expected, though they knew he had a tendency to nip to the bodega on Amy's street late at night. She decided to play the long game, waiting it out and going to the bodega when she figured Peralta wouldn't. The man behind the counter had grown quite fond of her in the span of a few quick visits, his wife not so much. However, Amy was confident they would remember her when she returned.

After a week as Amy Stanton, she felt confident enough in her new character to start going to the bodega late at night, prepared to bump into Peralta. Her handler had met with her for coffee just the day before and he'd encouraged her to meet Peralta sooner rather than later.

It took another few days before she saw him. She'd been at the counter talking to Mr Rosario ("call me Sam, my dear, and my wife is Viv,") when Peralta had come in the back. She knew it was him without looking from Mrs Rosario's cry of "Jake, cariño, ¿cómo estás?" and his friendly reply of "Good, Mrs Rosario, thank you. Just popping in for some painkillers and a pint of milk for my mom."

She hurriedly paid for her cigarettes before stuffing them in her purse and smiling at Sam.

"Gracias, Amy," Sam said as she mumbled her Thanks and turned to leave. She could feel Jake's eyes burning into the back of her head but she just carried on, not wanting to look suspicious.


The next time she saw him, he was sat just behind the counter, Mrs Rosario tending to a wound on his cheek. It was the first time Amy had actually caught sight of him, the real him and not the 'Jake Peralta' she'd seen on his files.

He was surprisingly handsome, despite the wicked gash under his cheekbone. Mrs Rosario was trying to work out how to patch it up just as Amy got close enough to hear them.

"—I know, Mrs Rosario, but he took a swing at me and I wasn't about to stay all defenceless."

Mrs Rosario tutted at his reply.

Amy grabbed a loaf of bread and some pasta, taking it to the counter. Mrs Rosario sighed a little.

"Uno momento, Amy, busy, busy..." She was holding the bandage against his cheek, realising that if she continued to wrap it this way, she would surely suffocate Jake. Amy grabbed some adhesive patches and bandages before going closer to the pair.

"May I?" She offered, showing Mrs Rosario the medical supplies in her hand. The woman muttered disapprovingly but stepped away from Jake all the same.

"Hi, sorry to intrude." Amy smiled at him as she knelt besides where he was sat, opening the supplies.

Jake smiled, though it looked painful. "Don't mention it, I suppose I should be thanking you."

"I suppose you should," Amy said, peeling the back off the adhesive and carefully placing it on his cheek. "What happened? How'd you end up with a slash in your cheek?" She paused. "If you don't mind me asking, of course."

"No, it's okay, I just... one of my coworkers said something and- Well I wasn't about to let him say that to someone so I told him to zip it and he..." Jake nodded to all the medical supplies she was holding. "He wasn't having that kinda disrespect." There was a strange tone in his voice, making Jake sound annoyed and relieved simultaneously. "How'd you learn to patch people up like this?"

Amy smiled. "I have 7 brothers, I guess it's just something I picked up." She answered easily, beginning the list of half truths she would tell him over the course of her time undercover.

He nodded appreciatively when she'd finished wrapping his wound, placing the adhesive patches and bandages in his lap. "You'll want to rewrap that every day till it's scabbed over, then every few days till you're all fixed up."

"Thanks, I owe you... Amy-was it?" She nodded.

"What's your name?" She asked, knowing that she hadn't overheard his name today.

"Jake." He put his hand forward to shake hers and she complied. "Firm grip, you got."

"I took a seminar." She smiled proudly. Jake frowned slightly, but Amy watched a small smile creep onto his face as he mouthed something that looked suspiciously like 'dork'.

"I'll see you 'round, Amy." He put several dollar bills on the counter for Mrs Rosario and dashed out, the bell on the door ringing quietly after he'd gone. Amy felt her eyes linger on his back through the glass as he walked away.

She paid for her things and worked her way back through the bodega, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks as she dashed out and to her apartment, her head spinning with questions for Jake and his 'coworkers'.

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