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For her first month undercover, Amy didn't have much to tell her handler. Past their friendly medical meeting, Amy and Jake hadn't spoken much. They had polite conversations when they ran into each other at the bodega, but never anything else. It wasn't until a month into the case, 3 days before Halloween, that they spoke properly again.

Amy was in a rush before work, the FBI had figured she'd need a job if she were to be undercover for so long. She needed a drink.

The coffee shop on the corner nearest the college wasn't very busy, a couple of kids were sat by the window but she recognised them from school so she tried to keep her distance.

"Iced caramel macchiato? With an extra pump of caramel please." The barista nodded and turned.

"I know I don't know you that well, but I didn't pin you as an 'extra pump of caramel' kind of person." She knew that voice.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She turned to see Peralta leaning on one of the tables nearby.

He shrugged lamely. "I was just tryna think of some cool opening line. Didn't work." He turned to the barista. "I'll have what she's having."

"Gotta say, I've been bumping into you a lot lately... you following me?" She accused, knowing damn well it was the other way round.

"Maybe." He swiped up the drink the barista put in front of her.

"Hey, that was mine!" She protested as she watched him take a sip. His mouth formed an 'o' as if it was a genuine accident and he fished out his wallet.

"Here, sorry, I'll pay for both." His eyes widened when he swallowed. "Damn, that's good." Amy rolled her eyes and took the drink Jake had ordered while he paid.

"So I'll see you round?" He asked, taking another long sip of his drink and heading towards the door.

"Bye, Jake."

She felt the need to remind herself that this was a criminal, he should be in prison and she was only making contact to check out his suspicious crime ring. But none of that could stop a small smile creeping onto her lips.


"He buys me a drink whenever I see him at the coffee shop. I'm getting him to trust me, he has no idea I'm snooping. Let me get closer to him, maybe he'll tell me off his own accord." Amy explained, pushing the spaghetti around on her plate. Her handler, Detective Teddy Wells, sat across from her. He'd suggested they meet at the restaurant under the pretence of a date, just in case someone unwanted spotted them.

"You tryna get in his pants before this whole operation gets blown open and he's put in prison?" Teddy smirked. He was enjoying this fake-date way too much.

"No- it's not like that." Amy felt herself blush. "But really, I can't just ask him about his crime ring, I need him to tell me stuff. I'll try make more conversation, talk about my job. That can be this weeks task?" Teddy nodded, ordering another damn pilsner.

"Are we done here?" Amy asked. "Can I go now?"

"Finish the meal." He snapped, just loud enough for Amy to hear his annoyance but no one else.

And of course, this is when she sees Jake walk into the restaurant. Teddy must've noticed too because she feels his knee against hers until she looks at him. His eyes bulge.

"Teddy, is this necessary? Can't I just go? I'll pay look, I just need to go." Her voice was hushed and she prayed Jake couldn't hear her.

"It's a date, make it look like one." Teddy took her hand in his from where it was rested by her drink.

Instinctively, Amy pulled away from Teddy. She felt his other hand on her knee and she tensed.

"Is everything okay here?" The waitress eyed Amy as she replaced Teddy's pilsner.

"Everything's fine." Teddy answered, taking Amy's hand again.

"Amy?" Oh god, no. Jake walked over to their table, the entire restaurant was looking at them by now. She made a split second decision on how to play this off to benefit her and the case.

"Jake?" When she looked at him, she saw concern written in his features and she tried to look as pleading as possible without being too obvious.

"Amy, why don't we get out of here..." Jake offered her his arm and all he gave Teddy was a scowl. Unsure of how to begin her cover story, Amy just nodded, dazed.


He'd taken her to a park bench a few blocks down and she'd allowed herself to zone out, so much so that when he spoke again, she suddenly realised 3 things:
1. His leather jacket was slung over her shoulders
2. He was pulling her against his chest
3. Her heart was going way too fast for her to blame it on the anxiety her 'date' had caused

"Amy? You with me?" She could feel his breath on her cheek, warm against the cold air. All she did as a reply was look at him. "What happened? You know him?"

"Ish." Amy tried to think how she was going to explain this. "I knew him from work. He worked in a different department to me at my last job, we were pleasant. And then I moved. When I next saw him, we were friendly and he asked me out."

Jake was a good listener. She explained that she and Teddy had been on a few dates (not entirely a lie, he was her handler after all) but that she hadn't expected him to get so 'touchy' and it had made her uncomfortable. He'd asked questions: had he hurt her? (No) How long had this been happening? (He'd been there for everything that happened). What exactly had he done? (He just had his hand on her knee and held her hand a bit too tightly).

"I'm making a deal of this, it's not as bad as it seems. I'm sorry, I should go." She stood quickly, but Jake took her hand. Amy flinched unintentionally.

"God, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He stood beside her, his hands lifted almost in surrender. "I just... I wanna make sure you're okay. Come over to mine? You don't have to, I- I get it. I just wanna help you feel safe? I don't really know how you're feeling... but- that might help?"

Amy nodded in agreement, barely able to fight the smile that pulled at her lips.

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