Chapter 10:How do I save you?

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A/N: OMG I went to a school fair and they had an art gallery and a Year 12 student's art HSC was 3 anime characters in Japanese gardens: 1 from a movie, another from a video game and the last one was Todoroki, TODOROKI EATING IN A JAPANESE GARDEN WAS A STUDENT'S HSC... I'M DEAD (It was SO good).

Midoriya  POV        Thursday   12:10

I had woken up to see the entire class gone except for Mr Aizawa who was shuffling some paper he noticed me who is my 'I want to go back to sleep' daze and clarified why everyone wasn't here "It's lunch and you fell asleep during my class" I felt myself start to panic as I thought of a good excuse but I came up empty handed "Hey kid I know about the fire and just know if you need someone to talk to you always have friends in class and the other staff and I, I know you're close to All Might so remember we are all there for you".

I nodded as I walked out to lunch Mr Aizawa's slightly softened gaze following me leaving the class and shutting the doors behind me, I went in the usual direction of the are where we eat to see everyone else already there sitting at tables happily chatting and eating I could've gone over to Uraraka's table which consisted of her, Iida, Tsyu and Ashido though she definitely still was upset with me, deep down I knew she didn't want to be upset and just wanted to hug and be friends again but I also knew that currently despite how much she might want to apologize her pride would stop her and that was the only thought filling my head. I searched for another possible vacant table but there was not one to be found and as I gave up I felt a tug on my arm but before I could turn the thing that tugged my arm was dragging me out of the cafeteria and through the hallways until me and whoever was pulling me along were in a hallway that was eerily quiet and a dead end no students or classrooms in sight, just me and this person.

I turned to see a familiar face, Todo. He was smiling in a sad fashion, his smile and happiness not reaching his heterochromatic eyes that glowed their usual way just a bit dimmed as if something was weighing him down. "Hey Midori" he said in a sweet but not sympathetic voice that I had heard a bit today, I had to admit I forgot about the nickname but it did feel nice for him to use it.

"Hey Todo, what's up?" I said slightly feeling like myself  again but as soon as I said that Todo's face dropped and he stared at the floor as if it were the most amazing thing he had ever seen, I lifted his chin so I had a clear view of his face which to my surprise his eyes.... had thin streams of tears leaking from them like that water from a tap when you don't entirely turn it off, seeing him cry was like watching my world shatter all over again.

"Why? Why does it hurt when I see him like this, why does my heart ache so much, I want to hate this pain but for some reason it also feels... warm"

"M-Midori I know about your Mother and the fire..." he said pain lacing his words as I thought over what he had said but I couldn't even initiate a response so I just started crying too, large streams of tears fell down my face as I tried to wipe them away using my hands but more would just flow down, I fell to my knees and just continued crying because I hated having to seem ok when this was really what I wanted to do (aka Todoroki... lol no not yet) cry and let all my feelings out. He crouched down on his knees like me so he could comfort me, he pulled me into a hug and I cried over his shoulder and held tightly at the material of his shirt as if I was hanging onto it for dear life which right now, it felt like I was.

"Todo I miss her a-and her smile and hair and voice and I-i miss her so much and I just want her back and I have to act happy but I'm not and inside everything just... hurts!" I cried as I wiped my face and held his shirt tighter as my heart continued to scream in agony filling my head with a toxic static noise that almost sounded like a crashing wave of scratchy, robotic like voices simultaneously yelling and though I couldn't hear what those yelling voices of static were saying it muffled all other negative and positive thoughts but it felt just as bad as the worst of the negative comments my brain had been spewing at me.

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