Chapter 14: Why does the world burn?

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A/N: Woop de de da dooooo TRIGGER WARNING! I went trick or treating for Halloween and it was fun but it was really hot and I had all of my friends there and it was good because I got to hang out with my fellow humans. Have a smily face you amazing people          :)

Midoriya's POV     Friday      12:51

Something about the voice was familiar but through the closed door I couldn't tell who it was but I definitely knew it was a male and probably not an adult. I silently walked over to the door closest to the voice and open it to reveal a student with red and white hair talking on the phone, Todo.

I hadn't realized I had whispered his name until he turned to me, a look of pure shock with a hint of something else on his expressions. He looked at me with a warm smile before promptly ending the call not even bothering to say something like 'oh I've got to go' or and excuse like 'oh I'm late for something I've got to go' but instead he just hung up and put his black phone into his pocket before he looked back directly at me.

He bent his knees so he was looking me directly in the eyes, he put his hand on my shoulders and I was shocked by the amount of warmth radiating from his palms that even through my uniform I could feel, maybe it was his quirk or he was just an incredibly warm person but I felt my walls start to crumble and my defenses lower as I felt myself sink into the warmth.

I looked back into his eyes, they were pretty in a way no one else could understand. Other may see his eyes as cool or unique but to me his eyes were a wonder, a deep crack in space that I could get lost in for eternity. The thing is I had always just seen his eyes as unique and cool until the past few weeks or more specifically at the Sports festival when as soon as I said those words to make him embrace his quirk and himself it was like his eyes had lit up, with passion and a desire that I had never seen before in him or anyone else. I had helped others before but for some reason his eyes entranced me, in a way that made me feel like the issues in the world and in my life instantly disappeared and everything is just warm.

"Midori" He whispered in a caring but slightly teasing tone, he reached his hand towards my face and (I had forgotten how to spell wipe) wiped something of my face for me to only realize it had been tears, I had been crying. "Midori, what happened?"

I struggled to try and formulate words to describe what I had seen in that room but I ended up not saying anything for the fear of crying but considering I could already feel small streaks of tears dripping down the sides of my face it wouldn't really do any difference to try and stop myself crying. As sobs racked my body Todo pulled me closer until my head was resting on his chest, he didn't question me or pry at what was wrong but instead he muttered quiet words of comfort so quiet that I didn't hear most but the tone of his voice was pure and comforting, not the way you would speak when being mean to someone but yet my mind didn't hesitate to try and corrupt or counter his sweet words.

Eventually my body reached the point where I could no longer shed tears and instead my body opt to violently shake as I silently cried into Todoroki's shirt where most of my noise was muffled but my screams of defeat would've still been able to be heard even his shirt blocking the noise. I breathed in heavy uneven more quickly then someone normal would've but every time I tried to mentally calm myself another uneven breath would end and my mouth would release pained cries. Todo decided he would stroke my hair at some point during my breakdown but the time when he started was unknown to me but as I calmed down the thing slowly making me drift to unconsciousness was his gentle hand that somehow grounded me to reality during my time of panic but now after the initial sadness had gone his hand now filled my being with peace and a aura of calmness, which I had not felt since Mum died.

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