Detroit Become Human

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"Are you familiar with Shrödinger's cat? Until you decide what happens, everything is happening at once, like in Detroit." -Chloe

Hello and welcome back to the FanHouse. Today we are going to talk about Detroit Become Human with my guest bioshock2013.

How do you define humanity? When does a machine become human? Or will it always be a machine? ... Those are all questions which will be following us through this chapter. Yes, today we'll get serious. Not too serious, don't worry. 

Spoiler alert read at your own risk, some spoilers will most likely come up, as usual.

First things first.


Androids: Synthetic beings that resemble humans. They are mass produced for various purposes by a company called CyberLife, and are sold throughout the United States with the slogan "Designed by CyberLife, built in Detroit."

Deviant: Refers to a phenomenon where androids deviate from their programmed behavior.

Red Ice: A drug that closely resembles and shares very similar symptoms to Methamphetamine. Due to the lower socioeconomic status of a large portion of the citizens that inhabit Detroit (due to major unemployment after androids were introduced), this drug gained major popularity.

RA9: This consistently appears around deviant androids. They speak the word, hold it important, and write it down, over and over, in many places. Some speculate that RA9 is the android's God, and will lead them in their battle for freedom and equal rights.

Are the androids human?

One question that I'm sure you've asked yourself as a player is: Can androids actually become human? If you were to hypothesize what life would be like with androids would you be able to accept them as equals? Would you regard them as family membe...

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One question that I'm sure you've asked yourself as a player is: Can androids actually become human? If you were to hypothesize what life would be like with androids would you be able to accept them as equals? Would you regard them as family members, and trust them in your home and/or at your workplace?   

Did You Know

✤ The game was in development from 2012 ( That's six years of development!?!?)

✤ The creator of Detroit: Become Human, David Cage also created similar titles such as: Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain.

✤ Due to the expansive possibilities of the game, the script ended up being almost 3000 pages long. Just to give you a general idea of how crazy long that is the ENTIRE Lord of the Rings Series, including The Hobbit, was 1544 pages.

✤ Detroit: Become Human has three playable characters.

✤ The 2017 trailer, showing a playthrough with the character Kara sparked some serious controversy, after child abuse was displayed in one of the possible outcomes.

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