Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


How had this happened? Yosuke was sleeping peacefully on a futon that Yu had dug out from the cupboard. He couldn't believe Yosuke was under the same roof as him half naked as well. Yu had the pleasure of watching as Yosuke had stripped off his shirt and trousers leaving him only in his boxers. Yu had tried not to look as it was obvious that Yosuke had been self-conscious however Yu couldn't help but be curious. Now Yosuke was fast asleep and Yu was wide awake with all sorts of wild thoughts running through his head. He still felt like a major dick about what he had said to Yosuke. The only reason he hadn't wanted him to get a girlfriend was because he wanted him all to himself. Of course Yosuke hadn't seen it that way and nor should he have. It was a slip of the tongue that Yu knew he had to stop doing. Right now though Yosuke looked all cute snuggled up and Yu couldn't help but stare. After all it was rare he even got this chance. He wished he could keep Yosuke all to himself. Protect him from any dangers that may present themselves, Love him like he deserved to be loved and make him feel special. Yosuke was special after all but Yosuke probably had no interest in all that. Yosuke was going to grow up and get married to some pretty girl and have kids. It was a future Yu knew he could never provide. Yosuke wouldn't even accept his feeling anyway but even if he did Yu knew there was more obstacles that they would have to face. Yosuke being Yosuke wouldn't be able to commit to that and well the way he reacted to Kanji as well just proved even more he was straight. Yu couldn't help but feel the big wet tears fall down his cheeks. "Yosuke will never be mine" He whimpered. He walked over to where Yosuke was sleeping and saw him snoring softly. In what seemed to be a moment of madness he leant down and delicately kissed the boys soft lips. "I'm sorry Yosuke" Yu wiped his tears from his eyes feeling instantly guilty for what he had done. He crawled back into his own bed hiding under the covers like he was hiding from the world and Yosuke himself. He had learned to accept his feelings but now he had no idea how he should deal with them.


Yosuke woke up the next day feeling groggy suddenly the memories of last night seemed to play over in his head. Not only had the day been a strange one. Yu had come over crying. Yosuke had been more than ready to listen to his woes but then Yu did something completely unexpected. Yosuke placed his fingers over his lips. He could still feel where Yu had kissed him. Yosuke found himself blushing once again. Yu had kissed him! Yu had kissed him but why? Then he apologised. "aaa I'm so confused" Yosuke screamed in his head. He looked over to see Yu's bed was empty which he was grateful for. He wasn't ready to face Yu just yet. Yosuke gathered up his clothes and grabbed a towel from Yu's cupboard and had a shower. Yu had kissed him but that's what you do with girls. Why would Yu kiss him of all people? It must have been a joke that was the only explanation. Yu was playing a joke on him. Yosuke laughed at himself for being seriously worried about it. Yu was the kinda person who would be sarcastic and cool as a cucumber. He was just taking him for a ride. Yosuke felt a lot better after getting out the shower and decided to head downstairs where Yu was sitting watching TV. "Morning partner" Yosuke said. Yu gave a half-hearted reply. "Man you played a good joke on me last night man you almost had me fooling for it" Yosuke said in his usual light hearted tone. Yu just looked confused. " I don't understand" Yosuke laughed again "come on man kissing me in the middle of the night. Who put you up was it Chie? She likes messing with people or maybe Teddie he seems like the kind of guy that would put you up to it" Yosuke was still confident until he saw Yu's face drop which rarely ever happened. "You were awake last night" Yu asked with slight fear in his voice. "Of course I heard you crying though you were probably laughing now I think about it as a joke" He expected Yu to finally admit his plan and they would have a good laugh about it however things didn't go as Yosuke planned. "You knew I kissed you and you thought it was a joke" Yu seemed hurt by this idea. "Well yeah I mean I'm not gay and nether are you so it doesn't make sense and well who would wanna go out with me after all" Yosuke could now see the hurt on Yu's face but he was still confused by it. "Can you leave me alone please" Yu asked in a very serious tone. "Partner I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought..."

"DON'T CALL ME PARTNER IF YOU DON'T MEAN IT" Yosuke was shocked. It was the first time he ever had seen Yu raise his voice and now even his eyes looked watery. A horrible feeling covered Yosuke's entire body unsure of how to help. "Okay I'll head home for now. I'll see you soon" Yosuke walked out leaving Yu to his own devices. "Yosuke you're a moron" He muttered angrily to himself. He had managed to upset his one best friend and now he had ruined everything and that thought alone almost brought him to tears. 

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