Chapter Two. His pain is Mine too

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Back again so soon, heh my story must be great for you to already be on the next chapter.

Joking joking I know it's not that good but I've been enjoying writing it so that's all that matters right ~

Anyways here you go into the story. I hope you enjoy and are taken away into this little beautiful Voltron fantasy world

Shiro's PoV

I hear the Omega whine and whimper in front of me, just begging for attention, sending the Alpha inside of me crazy, making him try to claw and rip at my composer, trying to make me break free from my logicality. And rush to the Omegas side, comforting and caring for it until all his or her, needs are satisfied for.

A low dominating grumble escapes my throat, erupting into the open space we are occupying, bouncing and echoing of all the tall, open ceilings and walls surrounding us.

I spy the Omega in front of me, whimpering submissively, baring its neck upwards towards me. The fright glowing it his eyes and radiating off his scent, smells like sour milk, ughh, yet there's a hint of spice and fierceness left inside of him. Ready to pounce if needs be. Which I appreciate it adds a spark, a thing that most Omegas only ever really ever grow or learn if they have their cub with them or have had a cub.

It's nice, attractive. Shows he won't be anyone's toy or play thing. Showing yes he is his own being that can stand his own ground, that he doesn't need any Alpha to do it for him. I approve and let out a low, appreciative yet flirtatious rumble from deep within my chest. Hoping he'll understand it as acceptance and find no need to submit.

His eyes dart up to my own, his ocean blue eyes that easily capture me into them.  A low moan escapes his lips that he was trying his hardest to suppress, my Alpha melts into the moan. like a spread of butter on a slice of toast.

I stride forwards to him, reaching my arms downwards and around his waist. Lifting him up into my arms quickly and securely. Making the air surrounding us push downwards as I pull him upwards into my arms.

I carry him off, him cuddled securely in my arms, he began to whimper to the beta standing lost behind us, the whimper is of a piteous sound that makes me just want to cuddle/comfort him, drown him in my scent trying to calm him.

I carry him towards my room, a low chuck rumbling from deep inside me, trying to calm the crying, squirming panicked omega. He probably thinks I'm going to hurt to use him, but I would never all I want is for him not to be in this pain, that's flooding off his scent.

AHHH I'm such a shit writer, and omfg the long as time it took me to update I'm so sorrryyy HNNN, this is way way to short but I just had to quickly right something up for y'all, your to to amazing to be reading garbage like this tho

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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