Chapter 2

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Rosalia POV


I opened my eyes slowly. "Great." I thought. "Another day forced into the hellhole they call school." I turned around and shut off my alarm clock. Sighing, I got out of my nice, warm, and comfortable bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. My long, jet-black hair was completely tangled from moving around so much in my sleep. My hazel eyes were still bleary from not being fully awake yet. The ratty old T shirt that used to belong to my dad and pajama bottoms that I wear every night looked even more unflattering in the morning fluorescent lighting than usual.

Sighing again I peeled off my pajamas and hopped in the shower. As I stepped out I wrapped my body in a towel, and then wrapped another around my hair to dry. Now that I was awake due to the shower, I brushed my teeth then stepped back into my room and put on some clothes. It doesn't take long for me to decide what to wear like it does most girls. I don't bother dressing up because it isn't like guys notice me anyway, unless they're picking on me. I pull out a light baby blue sweater and a pair of grayish-black leggings. It was starting to get warm outside, but I still only wear long shirts to conceal the multiple cuts along my arm from my self-harming. I searched for my old, beaten up tennis shoes. They were the only pair of shoes I owned because my mother refuses to buy me any more. Finally I found them under my desk because I remembered I kicked them off when I was sitting there doing my homework last night. After I put them on, I gathered everything I needed for school today and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I don't wear make up because I have no one to look pretty for, and I doubt it would enhance my appearance very much anyway.

I looked back over my shoulder to see my alarm clock to check the time, and that was when I saw my glasses case sitting next to it and realized I almost forgot them. Again. I'm near-sighted, so I have to wear glasses to school to be able to see the board, but I don't wear them anywhere else. I walked back over to bed and slid my nerdy looking glasses onto my face. I glanced over at the clock and saw it was just about time to leave. I walked out of my room, making sure to close the door behind me. I crept down the hall as quietly as I could. My mother's door was closed so I pressed my ear up against the door and listened for a moment....




Suddenly I heard a soft snoring sound. Good. My mother was still asleep. She usually doesn't get up until around noon, since she doesn't come home until three in the morning every night, due to her job as a bartender. I tip-toed down the stairs soundless and out the door. Slowly and carefully I shut it, so it wouldn't wake my mother. Once it was shut I started my walk to school. Even though I turned sixteen two months ago, my mom won't let me drive her car to school, even though I get back before she has to go to work.

It usually only takes about ten minutes for me to walk to school, but today I was taking longer for some reason, so it took about fifteen. When the building was finally in sight, I began to amble even slower. I noticed my two friends, Lola and Haley, laughing and chatting a few yards away. I hoped that they wouldn't see me. It wasn't that I didn't love my friends, because I do. They were the only good people in my life. It was just that they weren't like me. They were happy most of the time, and had no idea about all my issues. I mean, they knew that my parents were divorced, and what my mother's job was,and that but they had no clue that I self-harm and starve myself and the fact that my mother hates me. They also believe the bullying I receive at school is only occasional, and not daily. I had them convinced that they couldn't ever come over because of my mother's work hours, and not because I was afraid to let her know I actually had friends.

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