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"You're sure that's what he told you?"

Vice fidgeted slightly, but with Vex by her side, the queen's presence intimidated her slightly less. "Yes, your Majesty. We offered to stay with him, but he sent us back here, telling us he would be back by dawn."

Queen Triana frowned, and the sound of her fingernails tapping on the arm of her throne was enough to drive Vice, in her already-anxious state, completely crazy. Vex sensed her tension and stepped a bit closer to her, clearly hoping that the nearness of her own magic would soothe Vice's.

"Well, it would not be the first time Tarin got sidetracked--"

It was incredibly risky for Vice to do so, but she was so desperate to get leave from the queen to search for the general that she was willing to cut her off. "Your Highness, I mean this with all due respect, but I have always taken the general for someone who keeps his word, regardless of the price to himself--"

"--and with your daughter in the condition that she was last night, we cannot see him staying away for this long of his own accord," Vex added, squeezing her sister's wrist in a sign of camaraderie.

The queen surveyed them both closely, her eyes narrowed. Vice could not tell if she was angry, or impressed, or just tired of it all. There were certainly lines in her face that Vice had never noticed before, and she was not surprised; ever since Serena had been taken, the Realm had changed - and ever since she had returned, their kingdom had been fraught with discord and violence the likes of which had been unheard of for nearing a century. Vice was not blaming the princess herself, of course; as a loyal servant to the crown, it would not make much sense for her to do so. However, recent events had taken a toll on everybody; warriors and civilians alike. Vice had a feeling it was only so long until tensions in the populace transformed into something much darker.

"Perhaps Tarin heard that Serena had awakened and needed to see to her rest before getting many visitors," the queen finally suggested, though it was fairly obvious that she was not even able to convince herself of that one.

"It is possible, your Highness, but if I may be frank, I think you may be underestimating how seriously the general takes his duty of protecting your daughter."

Queen Triana closed her eyes gently for a moment, as if practicing her breathing. Vice felt another stab of guilt for bringing yet one more problem to the queen's feet; she was already dealing with so many Fae yelling at her over the loss of the hostages, though there was truly not much the queen could have done about the situation. She had sent the general, the best of the best, and he not only had to abandon the mission to search for the princess, but had told them all that the trail of the hostages had died off anyway. He had not been able to find where they were taken beyond that clearing, and while Ambrose might perhaps have had some kind of answer - if he was indeed guilty, that was - he now had no way of giving it unless the queen released him from prison. Which Vice knew was not likely at all.

"I know you are right," the queen murmured, opening her eyes once more. They were so tired, and so sad. "Please tell the other two to stay with Serena. You two can go find Tarin; I think we all know that he is important to have here, for more reasons than one. Come back as soon as you have him."

The twins thanked her and bowed, not rising from their positions until they had reached the doors of the throne room behind them. Just as Vice was about to turn to open them, the queen called out her name; softly, but demandingly nonetheless. Sometimes the queen's manner truly reminded Vice of the general's, in the way that they commanded obedience from others with seemingly no effort, as if being a leader was simply in their natures. She wondered if one of them had especially influenced the other, or if they had both simply been born that way.

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