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"You want him to kill me," Serena breathed out, horror making her limbs go numb, and the magic around her dissipate like a puddle on a scorching hot day.

Iliss held up a finger, eyebrows set high in amused arches. "Correction: he is going to kill you. It's all just a matter of when."

"He would never," she whispered, but she knew she was wrong as soon as the words left her mouth. The plan came to Serena in a rush; in her time being under Lady Iliss' control, she had gotten a pretty good grip on how the woman's mind worked, and she now saw exactly how she expected the next few days - or maybe just day, singular - to play out.

Before Serena left the forest tonight, Cade and Iliss would force her to drink the potion, like always. She would feel the blood magic burning through her veins, and her sense would leave her, her own thoughts being distorted in some places and completely replaced in others. Her will would flee, and Iliss' would dominate; whatever the lady willed would be done - until the curse wore off, that was, and they had to administer it to Serena again.

Unfortunately, that would not happen for many hours. Serena would be sent to Tarin, and she would convince him to pledge his everlasting service and love to her through a blood oath. He would not suspect anything; as much as she adored him, as cautious and wise as she knew that he was, she knew that she could get him to fall for the ploy. The thought made her sick, but it was true.

And then, once he was magically compelled to do whatever Serena wished him to do, she would bring him to the forest. Iliss had already told Serena that she would no longer be useful, which only meant that she would use the princess' new link with Tarin to her own advantage. Through Serena, she could command Tarin to engage in a similar blood oath with herself. Serena would not be able to resist ordering it of Tarin, and Tarin would not be able to resist the order at all. Once that was done, he would be nothing but Iliss' puppet.

Iliss was smiling; it was obvious that she could read what was occurring in Serena's mind just by watching the transformation of her face. "A blood oath is permanent and binding," she stated. "What we've been giving you only lasts a limited time, as you well know. But if someone willingly avows themselves to you through an offering of blood, there is no turning back. Since you have refused to do so with me, we have had to revert to a weaker, yet still effective, means."

Serena's mind worked fast. She had to think of a way out of this. "You haven't been able to order me into a blood oath while I'm under your stupid curse," she argued, grasping at straws. "Tarin is just as unlikely to--"

"Nobody can compel somebody else into a blood oath through magic, dear," Iliss cut in. "Which is why it is so crucial that we have you, his little lovebug, to simply woo him into one. And once he's under your spell, he will not be able to deny you anything. He will be plenty willing to follow your command to pledge himself to me."

Serena clenched her hands into fists. "I won't," she pledged. She did not know if it was a promise she could keep, but she knew that she had never wanted something so much. She could not hurt Tarin. She could not be the cause of more destruction. She could not bring about the end of her kingdom, maybe her race. She could not kill any more innocent people. She could not be this person anymore.

"The only way you can stop it is if you die before it comes to fruition," Iliss commented, and something about the remark humored her. "And while you have given that a valiant effort nearly every night, I think we all know that it's no use.

"However, I solemnly swear that I will give you a proper assassination once I have won over your dear knight. I've heard he has become very skilled in swift executions; unfortunately, I will make sure yours is long and terrible due to the troubles you have caused us. The years of pain I will allow Tarin to feel afterwards will just be a bonus."

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