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Upon the geyser becoming even with the surface of the lake once more, Serena took a step. Then another. Then another.

She walked across the water, her bare feet merely skimming the glasslike surface even as her eyes remained entirely fixed on Tarin. Their gazes were locked as they had not been for what felt like ages, and he knew then that she was not only herself, but that she had accepted her ancient lineage and the duty that was handed down with it.

She was the queen of the Realm of the Fae.

The Wolves recognized the change, too. They all dropped into deep bows before Tarin could even work up the energy to blink. Even Ambrose scrambled to his feet after Nahla bent over as well, a small, knowing smile on her face as she stared at the ground. However, Tarin just continued to watch Serena's approach, intrigued by how Muiress seemed to float along behind her - more of a specter than a physical being, but still quite visible to the eye. Tarin could feel the shock in the magic auras of his Wolves around him, but he did not address it. He had a feeling everything would explain itself very soon.

The moment her feet touched the sand, his princess froze. Tarin soaked in the sight of her, of the silk nightgown moving around her knees, of her wet hair hanging limply over her shoulders, of her posture which so clearly indicated to him that she was no longer burdened with somebody else's cursed power. Most of all, he relished the fact that her recent bruises seemed to have disappeared, and when Muiress reached out to grab one of her hands affectionately, Tarin saw that the scars along his princess' forearms had faded into her skin. He had to swallow back his pleasure at seeing her pale, smooth skin unmarred from everything that had happened since he had first lost her. He could almost pretend like none of it had happened, if it were not for the haunted look in her eyes now as she glanced at him. It was only for a moment, but he knew her well enough to know that she must be torturing herself now that she had control over her mind once again.

"It wasn't you, Princess," he murmured abruptly, quietly enough that his Wolves would know the words were not meant for their hearing. "None of it was you. I know that. Do not blame yourself."

Her eyes flicked back to him once more, and a shadow passed over her face, but she did not say anything. He could sense the pain in her aura and could feel the anguish even just through their connection - it festered in his soul, and he wished he knew how much of it was directed at him and how much was directed solely at herself.

Then she pulled her gaze away from him and fixed it instead on the group as a whole. Though she had a bedraggled appearance and she had drained her magic from her system, there was something about her demeanor that radiated power. Tarin knew that it had to do with Muiress' presence, both behind Serena now and inside of her veins.

"I know that Tarin has not told you all what's been happening to me," Serena began, taking the time to look at each person individually. When she got to Ambrose, however, her eyes widened slightly, but she did not shrink from his gaze.

"I haven't been myself the past week. Quite literally," she stated bluntly. "I only tell you all this because the very people who took advantage of me will be after me now, and they would be only too happy to get rid of you all in the process. Now that my home is falling"-- her voice cracked here, but she quickly regained control-- "the people of Azure will look to warriors like you six more than ever. And I need you to lead them against this threat, because if we fail to meet and overcome it, it will wash over us and submerge us in a wave of death and destruction. I have heard the Infernals' plans, and I have been shown the future the Realm would have to look forward to under Infernal leadership. It must be stopped."

Her words were met with astonished silence, and Tarin felt all eyes fix on him, as if he was the only one capable of making a response. Or maybe they were looking to him for an alternate solution to the problem Serena was posing. He did not know.

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