The realization

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Today is Friday. The three friends get to school, morning coffees in hand. Today is unlike any other.

The sky is grey. The walls are grey. The classes grey. It's like everything is in black and white.

All students roam the halls, blind. Everyone seems to be from the undead. No heads held high. All the color has been drained from this school and no one can put it back.

When lunch comes around Eren sits with his other friends once again. He doesn't know he's hurting Armin, but he is.

Mikasa doesnt look like she cares. She sits with Armin in the college cafe. They both eat quietly, not speaking a word.

Eren glances over at Armin for a second. He missed him. Eren misses Armin.

It would be so easy to just get up and walk over to his friends but something is stopping him. He wants to move but he doesn't. He's afraid to face Armin. Eren doesn't know why but he's afraid.

He can't keep his gaze away from the boy. Armin looked glanced at him for not even a second and Erens heart started speeding. All Eren wanted to do in this moment was to go sit with Armin.

Armins heart ached, he feels Erens constant gaze on him. He should just walk over to Eren. He can't move, it's like he's glued to his chair.

Erens eyes stay on Armin until the bell when they quickly rip away. Eren was embarrassed, he knows Armin saw him. He knows he was staring.

Eren quickly rushes out of the café, hoping that none of the people he was sitting with saw. Does he like Armin? No, he can't. He's not gay.

If the guys thought he was gay. He'd never hear the end of it. He avoided eye contact with the whole school from there on.

Armin stayed late in the café. Mikasa waited with him. Armin wanted to be with Eren more than anything. Why couldn't he admit it?

Armin knows he's gay, but he's never openly told anyone. Mikasa stares at him, "Armin."

Armin snapped out of his trance to look at Mikasa, "You like Eren. Dont try to hide the fact that it felt good he was staring at you."

Armin was blushing. He did like him. Or he thinks he likes him. Right then and there, Armin spilled.

Mikasa was shocked, though she didn't show it. It was just an assumption she'd made that the boys liked each other, but after today she knew for sure. She was glad she made that vow a few days before. Mikasa was going to get these boys together.

Why do you act this way? Eren x ArminWhere stories live. Discover now