Chapter 6: Call From Work (Harry) Part 3

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* No Pov's *

Natalie: Dad, I want to lay down

Liam: Okay, Lets gol ay down.

Natalie: I am glad that I am done throwing up.

Liam: Me too. * carries Natalie back to bed *

Natalie: Daddy I feel terrible so terrible. * cries *

Liam: Stop crying please and get some sleep sweetheart. * Says in a comforting voice *

Natalie: Okay, daddy...I love you.

Liam: I Love You Too Sweetheart...Feel Better Soon.

Natalie: Thanks, Dad.

Liam: You're welcome. * Kisses Natalie *

~ Back at the office

Harry: You go in the A's * puts all the files With The Letter A In Their Column *

Anne: Harry can you come here for a minute.

Harry: Okay. *Gets Up Slowly Trying Not Upset His Already Sick Stomach *

Anne: How is the filing going?

Harry: Pretty well. * Rubs His Stomach *

Anne: Okay, just wanted to may go back to work now.

Harry: Okay. * goes back to filing and rubs his sick stomach again *

Anne: Are you feeling okay, Honey.

Harry: Yeah.

Anne: Are you sure?

Harry: Yeah.

Anne: Just let me know if anything is wrong. * Runs Her Fingers Through Her Son Harry's Curls *

Harry: Okay. * rubs his sick stomach again *

Anne: Okay.

~ Back At Home ~

Liam: Let me check on Harry.

* Calls Harry At Work But His Work Phone Number *

Harry: Hello.

Liam: Hey, Babe it's Liam.

Harry: Hey, honey. * rubs his sick stomach*

Liam: How is work going and how do you feel?

Harry: Work is going well but I feel terrible my stomach hurts like heck.

Liam: Are you gonna be able to continue working.

Harry: I hope so.

Liam: Okay, just checking up on you

Harry: Okay, thanks.

Liam: I Love You Baby.

Harry: I Love You Too Babe

Liam: Bye.

Harry: Bye.

~ Line Goes Dead ~

~ Back At The Office ~

Harry: I feel so terrible. *puts his head down on his desk *

Anne: Harry, head up.

Harry: Okay. * starts to tear up*

Anne: Harry, are you okay?

Harry: No, Mom can I talk to you please.

Anne: Sure.

Harry: Okay. * walks to his mother 's office *

~ In His Mothers Office ~

Anne: So Pumpkin, What's going on?

Harry: Mom, I really don't feel very well. * Starts To Cry *

Anne: Really pumpkin, what hurts? * Going into mom mode *

Harry: Mum, It Is My Stomach. * Cries Even Harder *

Anne: Awe My Pumpkin. *Comforts Her Son *

Harry:  mum, I feel terrible, and I feel like I am going to throw up. *Still Crying *

Anne: Sweetheart, just sit-down honey.

Harry: Okay.

Anne: Here is a trash bin. * Hands The Trash Bin To Her Son *

Harry: Thanks.

Anne: You're welcome.

After Harry grabs the trash bin, he gags two times, but nothing comes out but after the last two gags throw up comes pouring out of his mouth and nose into the trash bin.


Anne: Are you finished?

Harry: Ugh. * Throws Up One Last Time *

Anne: are you done?

Harry: Yes.

Anne: Pumpkin, I am gonna send you home, okay.

Harry: Okay.

Anne: Sweetheart, I hate seeing you so sick.

Harry calls Liam to tell him what happened at work today and asks Liam to come get him from work and take him home, when Liam arrives at the office where Harry worked at and his  mother tells her son Harry goodbye and feel better soon and hugs his and also tell him to get some rest and feel better and also that she loves him and after harry signs out and leaves work Liam makes sure Harry is comfortable in the car with the trash bin he threw up in and put his seat back so Harry can lay down...unfortunately Liam and Harry make it back home with only 6 accident's In the car of him throwing up but luckily he had a trash bin under his mouth and when they both get in the house and Liam and Harry are cuddling with each other and Liam takes care of him for the next 3 1/2 Weeks.

Here is the new chapter please read,vote and comment.

~Nichelle X X X X X X X X X X

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