Chapter 14: Call From Practice (Bella) Part 5

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* No Pov's *

Bella: Daddy, I feel awful.

Liam: I know.

Nick: Daddy.

Liam: Yes.

Nick: I want to lay back down.

Liam: You cannot lay back down on your bed until it is clean.

Nick: Okay...daddy my stomach hurts so bad.

Liam: I understand bud.

Nick: I want to feel better already.

Liam: I understand.

Bella: I don't like this daddy.

Liam: I know sweetheart, let me get you cleaned up.

Bella: Okay.

Liam: Cupcake, ready to get cleaned up.

Bella: Yes.

Liam: Alright. * Gets the bathtub ready, starts bella's bubble bath ,puts some music on,puts Bella in the bathtub and starts washing her up *

Bella: Daddy, you are  playing my favorite songs.

Liam: Yep, I did that just for you princess.

Bella: I Love You So Much Daddy.

Liam: And Daddy Loves You more than anything.

Bella: I wish I wasn't sick.

Liam: I know baby. * Finishes washing up his daughter bella *

Bella: Daddy,can you make me a cup of hot tea please?

Liam: Sure pumpkin. * gets bella out of the bathtub and wraps her fuzzy towel around her and carries her to her bedroom *

Liam: What pajamas do you want to put on now?

Bella: My Frozen pajamas.

Liam: Okay,princess. * grabs a Fresh pair of his daughters underwear and a training bra out of her dresser *

Bella: Hmmm. * rubs her sick stomach *

Liam: Princess,your tummy is hurting.

Bella: Yes. * Frowns *

Liam: Okay. * pulls his daughters underwear Up On Her, Latches her training bra up on her and puts his daughters Pajamas on her as well *

Bella: Daddy.

Liam: Yes.

Bella: What type tea do you have for me?

Liam: Sweetie,there are tons of f different teas for you to drink but I will make you a cup of Peppermint Chamomile Tea.

Bella: Sounds great.

Liam: Let me fix your hair princess.

Bella: Okay.

Liam: You can lay in me snd Papa's bed until I clean up your bed. * Finishes Fixing His Daughter Bella's Hair *

Bella: Okay. * Yawns And Stretches *

Nick: Daddy. * starts crying *

Liam: Yes Nick, what's wrong?

Nick: My tummy really hurts bad. * Still Crying *

Liam: Come,here buddy.

Nick: Okay.

Liam: Do you want to lay down? * Picks Up Her Sick And Crying Son Nick *

Nick: Yes, daddy. * Sniffling *

Liam: How about you lay down in me and Papa's bed until I clean your bed up okay.

Nick: Okay. *yawns and Stretches *

Liam: Bella, I will be back with your cup of hot tea sweetheart. * Lays His Sleeping Son On Him And Harry's Bed *

Bella: Okay.

~ Liam Goes Downstairs To The Kitchen To Make His Daughter Bella A Hot Cup Of Peppermint Chamomile Tea And Gives It To His Daughter. ~

Liam: Here you go princess,it is very hot.

Bella: Thanks,Daddy. * blows on it To cool it down *

Liam: Princess drink this tea slowly, okay.

Bella: okay. * does what her daddy says *
Bella: Daddy, I am finished with my tea. *gently puts the tea cup on the night stand *

Liam: Okay.

Bella: Thanks again daddy. * Lays Down And Falls Fast To Sleep *

Liam: You are welcome princess. * Whispers In Bella's ear And Tucks Nick,Bella, And Natalie in him and harry's bed *
Liam: Time to clean up this mess and call the attendance office and tell the secretary why Bella isn't at school. * Sigh *
Liam Cleans Up The Mess That Had Happened In His 3 Sick Kids Bedroom and disinfects all 3 of their rooms and cleans all 3 of his kids laundry and puts their clean clothes in all 3 of his Sick Kids dresser and puts fresh covers on Bella,Natalie, And Nicks Bed And Carry Them Separately To Their Clean Disinfected Beds And Tuck Them In And Calls The School Attendance Office Secretary To Let Her Know That Bella,Natalie, And Nick Are At Home Sick From School With The Stomach Virus And Explains To Her What Happened And Then Gets Off the phone and falls asleep on the couch while the game is on with a blanket over him.


~ Nichelle Monét Marshall The Author

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