Chapter 9

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A/N: Guys I might not post for a bit I want it to have 100 reads and I will post the ones I have made while waiting for 100 lovely reads from my lovely readers

15 minutes have passed now being bored  and talking about nonsense with Sana and Jihyo until someone called Jihyo, she picked it up and turned the speaker on


"Uhh Jihyo we're almost there"


"Was that Dahyun?" I asked Jihyo

*knock knock*

"Jihyo? Minji? Sana? You guys there?" We could hear a familiar girl's voice out the room

"YAH! DAHYUN OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE!!" I said trying to open the door

"I'm trying to..."Dahyun said also trying to open the door until...

"Hey, you kid! What are you doing here?!" A janitor asked

"My friends are locked in there please help me help me mr.janitor, please"

Dahyun said doing aegyo to make the janitor help her

"Ok I'll help you but I don't have the keys for that room actually I don't have the keys for this whole building my keys are only for the building 2, and the only way for your friends to get out of there is to break the door, to kick it open" the janitor said

"Please open the door!" I shouted from the door

"Ok please stand back girls" the janitor said getting ready to kick the door open by his voice I can see it

"Wa-wa-wait mr.janitor what if you get fired or the principal will get angry at us?" Hania asked mr.janitor

"I got this I will tell her what happened, ok? Nothing to worry about" mr.janitor said


"HANIA!" I said and hugged Hania

"Come on Jihyo and Sana let's go" I said waving my hand to them

They ran to us and they also hugged Dahyun and Hania

"How did you get locked there?" Hania asked us

"I don't know how it locked but when I was trying to open it when we're about to leave I couldn't open it" I explained

"Did you not twist the door knob?" She asked again

"I tried to but it really won't open" I said

"If you really didn't twist the door knob and it means that we weren't locked in I'm serious I would probably kill you Minji" Jihyo said, cracking her knuckles and laughed

"Calm down!" I said

"And uhm, mr.janitor, gamsahabnida" I thanked mr.janitor and bowed

"No need to thank me it's my job to help people at all situations" mr.janitor said

"Ok, we're leaving now" we waved at him and we ran out to the gate it was raining but it's better I haven't played in the rain for so long until we came home it was still raining

*ding dong*

"Coming!" I heard Mina from inside the house


"OMG! You're all soaked wet!" "Here take this take a shower, a fresh shower" Tzuyu said and gave all of us towels

"It's fun outside wanna play in the rain?" I asked

"I don't want to catch a cold so, sorry" Tzuyu and Mina said

"Ok, I'll just go shower, wait who wants to go first? I can wait..." I asked

"No, i-it's fine you go first Jihyo and I will wait" Sana said

"I take too long to shower" I said

"No, it's fine Min" Jihyo said

"Ah! I know now! I'll go take a shower in my room, Sana in the guest room, and Jihyo on my parent's room" I said

"Ye-yeah sure!" They said

"Let's get our bags upstairs" I said

"We'll wait so you guys go take a shower" Hania said waving us up

"No one's waiting you Dahyun go in my sister's room, and Hania on my brother's room" I said and we all came upstairs and they took their bags with them I told them where the rooms they are going to

30 minutes later...

I was finally done taking a shower and I saw something laying on my bed I couldn't see it well because my eyes were getting blurry from the water droplets dropping down my eyes

OMG what was on Minji's bed? Also did you like this chapter? Sorry if this chapter is short I had to finish it because my hands are getting lazier the more I type, Thank you guys for reading this chapter, please vote and comment
Luv you all soo muuuuuch muah!😘😘

-Kim Minji

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