Chapter 28

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"Hyeaaaaaappp Aym uppp" I said stretching up

I did my morning routine as always and came down to eat

"Uhh, Woozi-ah, where's Yoongi-oppa?" I asked looking around the house

"Oh, he already left at 5:00 am" he said


We usually leave house at 7:00 and class starts at 8:00

I finished eating and walked to school

Well actually not walk

I used my penny board

"Hey!" I heards Hoseok

"Oh hey" I stopped myself from the penny board

"I didn't know that you actually know how to ride those" he says rubbing the nape of his neck

"Oh, haha, I usually use it to go to school or mall but sometimes I just feel like walking" I said

"Ah~ Me too! Gaja?" (Let's go?) he says

"Ok" I said and we ride our penny boards to school


We finally have arrived at school we still rid it to my locker some students looking and some are amazed

We stopped in my locker

"Nice riding with you!" Hoseok said and high fived

"Let's do this more often" I said with a big smile on my face

"DO WHAT?!?!" Hania asked

"Riding penny boards to school, why? OMG!! DONT! No!" I said

Hania replied with 'ok' and looked down

We all continued with our conversation until the bell rang

"Gaja" Hoseok said

We placed our penny boards in our lockers and came to class

I saw Jimin looking at us from his locker looking angry

"If you're gonna do something, don't do it" I said to Jimin popping my head out the door

I sat at my seat and listened to Mr. Chen

He was glaring at me

He kept calling me in front

What's wrong with this teacher?

What an EASY question



"Ok, class dismissed!" Mr. Chen said

We all came to the canteen

*sigh* now I don't have someone to walk with me to the canteen hand in hand:(

But it's fine, he did it, it's not my fault

"Hey!" Hoseok said as he ran beside me

"Oh, hi" I said back

Without me knowing, he took my hand and intertwined it with his

I looked at him blankly

He looked back smiling

"W-wae?" I asked

"Since Jimin broke up with you already and you have nobody to hold your hand anymore, I'm here" he says happily

"Thanks for knowing" I said and smiled

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