Chapter 4

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Ruqiah's POV

"You took long," Aisha says while doing sit-ups on the floor.

"Yes, I know." I simply reply and hand her the sandwich and juice I bought for her.

"Oh! Thank you!" She smiles cheerfully.

I sit on my bed and eat the lunch I bought for myself while reading one of Shakespeare's books which I have to read for Literature class. After I'm done, I take my Qur'an and start reciting. I read surah Baqarah because yesterday I finished surah Nas. This year I've finished the Qur'an four times. I normally take two months and a half to finish the Qur'an reading, except in Ramadan, which I try my best to finish it in one month, just like most other Muslims. I've only memorised Baqarah until ayah 189. I still had a lot to memorise. Every day I memorise about
two pages, but now that college started, I only memorise one page, sometimes less.

- "Then hasten onward from the place whence the multitude hasteneth onward, and ask forgiveness of Allah. Lo! Allah is Forgiving and Merciful" - I opened my eyes after memorising the last ayah for today, which was ayah 199. - Sadaqallahul Azim.

"I'm going to the library for some study, do you want to come?" Aisha asks as soon as I placed my Qur'an inside it's box.

"Yes, sure." I answer and I get up to wear my white converse.

One fact about me is that I'm in love with shoes. I probably have more shoes than I actually have clothes. I got that from my mum, she has all kinds of shoes in her closet.

I ensure that I have everything with me before I leave the dorm. It was already 18:35 when we arrived at the library. This library was built by the owner of BCH which means it doesn't close until 22:00.

I didn't realise we were in the library for such a long time until my phone rang and I saw the time. There was one hour left for the library to close.

I look to my side and realise that Aisha is no longer with me. That's when I remember that she had told me she needed the toilet.

Oops, my phone is still ringing. I grab my phone realising that it was my mum. What a surprise, she's the one who calls me the most during the week.
We talk for a while and then she hangs up to go put Khadija to sleep.

"Let's go to dinner at the same place as yesterday." Aisha surprises me as she appears behind me.

I know I said I would never go back to Mazzini again but I was hungry and in need of real food. So I just pack my books and walk with her to Mazzini.

Reaching our destination, I almost thought of changing my mind but realised that it would be too obvious. I can't leave just because Alexandre is here, and once again staring at me. I really need to give him his money back and get this over and done with.

I try to look at the menu and order something different but I couldn't be asked, so I just order the same thing as yesterday. Ugh, I'm so unhealthy. I don't even know how I manage to stay in shape.

I needed a drink, but I was scared to go to the beverage machine in case Alexandre would be there, like yesterday.

"Don't you want a drink, Ruqayyah?" Aisha asks as she takes a gulp out of hers. She had gone to fill her cup but I forgot to ask her to fill mine as well.

"I do_"

"Then go, the machine is free...Except there's one person there now." She says and I look back to find Alexandre, "Could you also fill mine up with coke, please?" Aisha asks and hands her cup to me before I could refuse going to the machine.

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