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I sucked in a breath as i pushed the large glass doors open. This is it, my new school.
I had been quite excited for this fresh start. A chance to change for the best.
I decided to wear my light blue skinny jeans along with a floral shirt-Simple but comfortable. I brushed my fingers through my hair as i let out a sigh.
I stood at the side of the crowded corridor and searched my bag. I fished out a letter, scanning it for my locker number.
Locker No.205.
I bit my lip nervously as i scanned the faces of the many students; looking for someone approachable.
"Um, hello. Excuse me?" I lightly tapped a girl on the shoulder. She twirled round to face me and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.
"Hi. I was wondering if you know where locker 205 is? Im new here..." I explained nervously.
"Oh, sure" she replied, swinging her bag over her shoulder and strutting off down the corridor.
I had to speed walk along in order to keep up with her fast pace.

She came to a sudden halt and spun round again, "Here. The names Abi by the way." She said, popping her gum and looking my up and down.
I shifted uncomfortably and nodded, "Uh, yeah thanks. Im Alisa" I gave her my best forced smile as she spun round round and walked off in the opposite direction.
I let out another sigh and placed my purse inside my locker.

Aha, Room 12, this is it. I pushed the door open and awkwardly stood in the doorway as everyones attention was fixed on me.
"Your late." The teacher muttered as she pushed her glasses upwards.
I nodded nervously, "Yeah sorry I'm new" my teeth dug into my bottom lip as i scanned the room filled with unusual faces. I felt as if i was being judged.
"Very well. I assume your name is Alisa Brown?" I nodded in conformation as she continued, "Please take a seat Alisa. Its lovely of you to join us." She gave me a small smile as i made my way to the back of the class, taking the isolated seat in the corner of the room.
Harsh whispers filled the room until the door slammed open, making my head shoot up.
All eyes switched between me and the tall boy shooting daggers at me from the doorway. He stormed towards me, banging his fist down onto my desk.
I flinched from the sudden pound on my desk.
"Your in my seat." The deep voice filled my ears. I swallowed the lump in my throat and stared up at him, his eyes burning into mine.
"Excuse me?" I squeaked.
"Move." He ordered as he grabbed my rucksack and threw it across the room.
"Hey!" I yelled as i stood up. I harshly pushed his shoulders. "Take your stupid seat" i muttered under my breath as i head towards my bag.
"What was that?" He rudely asked.
I turned towards him and shook my head.
"Mr Jones that is no way to treat a new student. Detention after school." The teacher yelled.
I felt slightly bad but then again it served him right i suppose.


None of these chapters are edited, so please excuse all errors or point them out :) Thanks

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