
16 1 0

"Honey, Come on up you get" My mum cooed as she gently shook me awake. I let out a grunt as she pulled the curtains opened, revealing the bright rays of sunshine.
I forced my eyelids open and rubbed my sleep eyes.
"Be down in 15" my mum called as she left my room.
I huffed as i threw my legs out of bed and stammered to my wardrobe. After pulling out a pair of pink pale skinny jeans, a plain white top and my underwear i head for the bathroom.
After stripping off my clothes i jumped into the shower and let the warm water relax my muscles. I squirted a handful of shampoo and rubbed it into my hair as the water washed it away. After scrubbing my body i switched off the shower and hopped out, wrapping a towel around my dripping body.
After getting dressed and brushing my teeth i strolled into my room. I picked a pale denim jacket and slipped it on and grabbed my bag which i had packed last night.

"Morning mum" i said as i kissed her cheek.
She replied with a smile and pushed a bowl of cheerios in front of me.
"Here, i packed you a baguette and 2 packs of crisps. If you get hungry you can eat your school meal aswell"
I thanked her and put the food into my bag. I slipped on my pink vans and left the house to walk to school.


I squeezed through the groups of people scattered all over the corridor. The trip to my locker was difficult in such a busy school.
I huffed as someone roughly pushed past me.
Finally my locker came into view and began walking faster towards it.
I held onto the blue padlock as i twisted my key. Once it was open i put my lunch, money and unneeded books.
I locked my locker and clapped my hands together; earning me a strange stare from the pink-haired girl beside me.
I shot her a nervous smile and walked off towards my first class.
As i opened the classroom door i took a seat near the back of the room. I placed my books on the desk as i waited for the teacher to finish taking the register.
"Good Morning class. Before we begin with todays lesson I'd like to inform you on a trip that will be held next monday." The teacher explained as she waved a bunch of letters. Whispers filled the room as everyone waited patiently for the details.
The teacher began walking around the class, placing copies of the letter on everybody's desk, "As it says on the letter, this is a diving-trip. And yes, you will actually be diving in the sea! How exciting!"
A few excited squeals erupted but as soon as i had heard the words 'diving' my body immediately went numb. I could feel the energy being drained from my body.
Someone nudged my sides, "Psst, seen a ghost?" Cadan smirked.
I was frozen.
The teacher placed the letter on my desk. I held it tightly between my fingers.
"Miss Brown, are you feeling alright?" She asked, a look of concern plastered on her face.
I struggled to swallow the lump in my throat as tears began to pool in my eyes. She places a cold hand on my burning forehead.
I pushed past her and bolted out the door and down the corridors until i collapsed outside the school gates.
My body felt limp as i fell to my knees.
I heard footsteps before Toned arms wrapped around my limp body before my eyes slid shut as everything went silent and i blacked out.

As usual this chapter is not proof-read or edited, sorry ;/
I wanted to be able to write on my laptop but im having problems with my laptop so im stuck doing this on my phone ;/

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