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I swung my black gym bag over my shoulder. Sports lesson. I slowly made my way towards the Girls’ changing rooms.

After finding an empty space to change I hung my bag on a free peg and quickly changed into my sports uniform. I bunched my hair up together into a high ponytail, wrapping the elastic hairband around to secure it. After brushing my fingers through my neat ponytail I head out onto the field to join the rest of the class.

I scanned the group of unusual faces, spotting Abi in the crowd. As soon as I lay my eyes on her I groaned. Great, fucking great. I could already tell this was going to be a long hour.

“Hey Alisa!” I heard her call. At first I decided to ignore her; acting as though I hadn’t heard her but after she called again I looked up to find her jumping and waving her arm at me.

I jogged over to her, “Hey” I smiled to be polite.

“So, Want to eat with us tomorrow lunch? It’ll be fun” She offered. If I hadn’t overheard her calling me a bitch earlier on I might’ve considered the offer, However I knew she didn’t like me.

I shook my head, “No thanks”

“And why not?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. She crossed her arms over her chest and popped her hip out. I simply shrugged.

“Your up to something” She eyed me suspiciously, “Oh and just a quick tip-Stay away from that Gabe boy. Ugh, he’s such a looser” She scrunched her face up and flicked her hair.

“No, not really. I think he seems nice. I don’t care what anyone else has to say” I admitted. Her eyes widened and she stalked off towards a group of girls who were stood gossiping.

What kind of lesson even is this? “So, Where’s the teacher?” I asked awkwardly looking around. The group suddenly started laughing as I stood clueless unsure of what was funny.

“Alisa your such a nerd” Abigail said. I debated on replying but decided against it. Why bother?

Finally I spotted the coach jog up the field silencing everyone. “Sorry im late. Right lets get straight to it! 2 laps round the field!”

There was a chorus of groans and a few cheers from the boys. I began jogging ahead of everyone focussing on keeping my breathing steady and running the same pace.

After a while of continues running, I had been ahead of everyone else. I decided to run alone- No distractions meaning I would get my 2 laps over and done with fast. I could hear faint breathing which got louder with every step.

I looked over my head to see Cadan running towards me. I stopped in my tracks.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as he slowed down to a stop. His cheeks were flushed and his breathing slightly heavy.

“Running Track just like you?” His answer was more like a question. I rolled my eyes at him.

“No I know. You weren’t in this class earlier. Why’re you running with me?” I asked annoyed. I began running at a slow pace again with Cadan at my side. I resisted the urge to watch him as he ran; that would make me look like a complete creeper.

“I was late. And I guess im just an amazing runner” He said arrogantly, Nudging me in the ribs.

“Cocky much” I muttered as I rubbed my side, “And don’t touch me.” I said coldly.

I heard him mutter something but I couldn’t hear due to the wind and my heavy breathing.

Finally I completed my 2 laps with Cadan at my tail. We had finished much faster than everybody else. I looked over to see Abigail running with her hands clasps to her chest, Her brown, flowing hair had now been transformed into a wild mess that bobbled up and down as she ran.

I bit my lip to stop the laughter and pulled the elastic out of my hair. I shook my hair so that it fell down past my chest in neat waves.

I turned to find Cadan watching, his lips slightly parted. “Close your mouth. Bees might fly in” And with that I walked back to the changing rooms to get dressed.


“Mum, Im home!” I called as I closed the front door behind me.

“Sweetheart, im in the kitchen!” she replied. I dumped my bag and shoes beside the front door and made my way towards the kitchen. I pulled out a chair from the table and sat myself down.

“How was school? Any new friends? Do you like your teachers?” She bombarded me with multiple questions and pulled out the chair opposite mine.

“Fine. No. I guess” I answered. She was slightly confused so I decided to go into more detail.

“School was fine. Different to my old school. Did I make any friends? No, Not really. I met this boy who seemed sweet but he’s not really a friend yet- I barely know him. But I also met this girl, Ugh shes a right bitch. I caught her calling me a bitch behind my back!”

“Alisa! Stop cussing! Goodness me.” My mum scolded me. I looked down at my hands which my mother grabbed hold off.

“Don’t worry darling, You’ll meet some nice people soon” She leant forward to kiss my forehead before standing up. “How about some pasta?”

My face lit up and my stomach rumbled as if it has sensed food, “With cheese?”

“You know it” My mum winked. God, I love this woman.

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