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Amelia POV

"Amelia and Mesha get the fuck up" Craig yells up the steps. "Mesh get up" I snap. "I am damn" she says and rolls her eyes.

" I'm sorry I just don't feel like hearing Craig's mouth". "Fuck Craig and his abusive ass I don't even know why you with him anyway" she says.

"Mesha you are my best friend and all but let's not forget that is my boyfriend and he is letting you stay here in HIS house because of your little prob-." Okay I get it just dont bring it up again" she says.

I turn my attention to the door because I heard the door knob jingle and in come my asshole of a boyfriend.

"Get dressed y'all have a show in a hour". "Hi to you to baby" I say in my most sarcastic voice. "Don't be a smart ass". "Fuck you " I say under my breath. "Repeat that" he says making his way over to me slowly". "Do I have to spell it F-u-c-k y-o-u". Suddenly I feel the ground under my hand and a burning sensation on the side of my cheek.

The tears start to stream down my face. I should be used to this by now but I'm not.

He wasn't always be like this ya know he used to be sweet treat me like a princess. When my parents died he promised that he would never hurt me physically or emotionally.

Now look where I am sprawled on the floor from getting smacked the fuck out of.

If my parents would have never got shot in that drive by I wouldn't be stuck wit Craig. I would be happy I wouldn't be a stripper.

But no all because that fucking gang had to put fucking bullet holes through my parents bodies and leave me all alone with the devil himself. If they knew how I was living they would prolly be rolling in their graves.

All I have left is the necklace with me my mom and dad happy as can be smiling in my locket.

I came back to reality and gaze at my asshole of a boyfriends shoes remembering he smacked me to the floor. "Get up" he says.

I scurry to my feet holding my now aching cheek. " I don't like putting my hands on you ya know, you have such a beautiful face". " can you please get out you said we had to get ready so bye" mesh says rolling her eyes with a single hand on her hip. " shut the fuck up" he says. "Bitch" she says low enough for him not to hear.

The two glare at each other while I just watch holding my face.

He turns his attention back to me and says "I love you" coldly sending shivers down my spine I ignore him. He grips my face and repeats himself "I love you " he says with more anger than before." You to." "Prove it" he says .

I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him passionately while his hands roam my plump ass his tongue explores my mouth. I pull back for air and stair in his hazel eyes."that's my girl" he says.

Before cascading his way out of the room. I lock the door and me and mesh begin to get dressed for tonight.

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