The Debt Part 3

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Michael eagerly rushed down the steps to see his father sitting on the couch crying. A sudden wave of fear crashed over him like a tsunami. His father lost; Michael knew his father's real job because someday he would run the gang. But the fear wasn't that he was gonna get taken away, it was his brothers he was worried about. As the eldest it was his job to protect them, but thinking that they are going to serve 2 of the most powerful people in America made Michael on edge.

"Dad... Did Cas-" Michael starts only to be cut off by Chuck. "Yeah.. Now get cleaned up and get your stuff you wanna impress them, unlike your brothers."

"Yeah yeah," Michael chuckled to cover up his fear. "You were always such a good brother," Chuck sighed pulling his eldest son into a hug. "Now go along son and..."

"I remember dad," Michael scoffed as he ran up the steps of the house and walks to his room. Once he shut the door tears ran down his face. Michael was scared; he was scared for his brothers, if they or him were gonna die,  where they are right now, but what was the most intimidating question is who is he going to?

Michael quickly packs his stuff, takes a quick shower, puts on a black shirt and a long leather worn coat. The coat was just formal enough as a collared shirt and tie. He then puts on some ripped skinny jeans because why not?

He clears his throat as Michael drags his stuff behind him, suitcase clunking. "Dad are they...?" Michael asked and stops only to see the 2 guards. Michael knew exactly who they were; Ramiel and Balthazar. The guards were guards for all three gang leaders, Sam and Dean Winchester along with their best friend Lucifer Shurley.

Michael feels the anger build up that he just wants to scream but he bites his tongue and resists. "I'm ready," Michael announced as he hugged his sobbing father. "Bye M-Michael bee and good boy," Chuck cried.

"Bye," Michael cried back as he walks to the car. The guards shoves his stuff in the back as he slips in as well.

Michael remains silent the entire ride there....


Michael swiftly got out of the car as the guards grab his wrists. He growled softly and glares at Balthazar and Ramiel. "Don't touch me," Michael snapped still trying to remain calm as the tall men let go. He gritted his teeth as he walks into a large apartment building. The guards then escorted Michael to the top floor where the penthouses were.

The guards then escort him to the end if the hallway. They open the door which was at the end to so a extremely rich penthouse. Michael was use to penthouses, hell Michael lived in a mansion. But this penthouse clearly had mire money put in it that anything his family would.

He drags his stuff and lets go letting it clatter to the floor. "Who is it?" A man chuckled playfully as he enters the room. He looked about Michael's age just barely over 23. The man had short dirty blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a smirk on his face.

"You must be Michael," the man said curiosity rang amongst his voice. "Yes I am," Michael answered trying to be as formal as possible by sticking his head up, standing tall, and shoulders back.

"Relax," the man assured, "I'm Lucifer Shurley." Michael's eyes widen and sure enough he was, Michael matched Lucifer's face to every entertainment magazine there was. Lucifer run Shurley Entertainment, a large movie and show producer.

"Now Ramiel take Michael's stuff to his room," Lucifer ordered as Ramiel nods, "yes sir."

"Balth have you picked up the others and brought them to my besties?" Lucifer asked, "yes sir they have, the Winchesters were quite happy."

"Wait the Winchesters?" Michael cried his voice filled with fear as he tried not to cry. The Winchesters were 2 of the most powerful people in the world. Hell you think of a company they probably own a part of it. Plus they were dangerous, as in the both run gangs.

Lucifer nodded with a smirk on his face as he trots over to Michael putting a hand on his shoulder. "Don't touch me!" Michael hissed grabbing Lucifer's arm and twisting it so now that he is not even close to him. "I see why your father chose you but you don't have the wit," Lucifer darkly chuckled, "oh yeah?!" Michael growled as he gripped tighter. Lucifer then gained leverage as he sweeps Michael's legs causing his to fall backwards but he doesn't as he feels a hand slip behind his back. It was Lucifer, Lucifer was now almost on top of Michael his face still having the mischievous grin on his face.

Michael blushed in embarrassment as he gasps catching a breath from the fall. "Like I said you don't have the wits," Lucifer purred at Michael. Michael shuttered under Lucifer as he pulls him up. "Now I work to do so explore the building but don't leave," Lucifer demanded. Michael nods as he gulps realizing what would happen if he tried to escape. So off Michael went...

A/N: Hey readers I will start doing Povs next chapter!!!!!
Hope you like it so far!

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