The Debt Part 2

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"Gabe get down here please!" Chuck's voice rang threw the house. "Fuck, he probably found out I banged with our neighbor or stole the candy stash." Gabriel mutter to himself as he rushes down the steps only to stop at the bottom as he glances at the three big guards at the door.

Gabriel smirks his iconic smirk, "what's going on here?" Gabriel walks to his father only to be grabbed by guards. "LET GO OF ME YOU FUCKING CREEPS!!!" Gabriel growls as he kicks and wiggles out of their grasp. "What the fuck?" Gabriel hisses as he looks over at his father who is crying. "Dad?" Gabriel questions his voice now worried.

"I am sorry Gabe I wish at least you could go free," Chuck sobs as he grabs his son into a hug. "I love you son," he says, "but I know you won't go without a fight." Chuck then knocks Gabriel out with a serum as the guards drag him away.


Gabriel's eyes flutter open as he slowly wakes up. Gabriel then shoots straight up into his seat. He screams as he realizes that his hands and feet are tied to to car seat. "Hey! Yeah you in the front seat!" Gabriel snapped as the guard in the front seat turns around to glare at Gabriel. Gabriel's eyes flicker with mischief, "where am I going? Hmmm all 'I'm mister high and mighty' in the front seat!"

The guards ignore Gabriel as he makes comments like, "why can't your boss come and get me eh? Mister high and mighty!" Mixed with a bit of, "Please tell me where we are going? Are we there yet?" And a splash of, "I WANNA GO HOME!! TURN AROUND DUMBASS!!"

The guards grunt as Gabriel continues to whine, "SHUT THE HELL UP BOY OR I WILL!" One of the guards snaps as Gabriel smugly replies, "you'll what? You wouldn't want to hurt your precious cargo."

The guards glance at each other and nod in agreement as the guard on the passenger side get a roll of duck tape out and covers Gabriel's mouth with the tape causing all of his shrieks and whining into mumbles and muffled sounds. Gabriel squirms, fighting the pure force of the chain like rope.

"Just stop fighting, you might need that for later..." One of the guards says, Gabriel's eyes widen as he looks out the window to see an extremely large mansion on an even bigger plot of land.

Gabriel's emotions and expressions went from smug to that 'oh shit I'm gonna die' face. Gabriel's heart beat like a Jackrabbit's, as the guards basically forcefully usher him out of the car with one heave. Gabriel then sees an opening, he takes it. Gabriel sprints away kicking one of the guards shins only to be stopped by the other who grabs Gabriel's arm and pulls him back, putting a gun to Gabriel's head. He cocks it, "don't move a muscle."

Gabriel whimpers as tears run down his face. They drag him into the large mansion with the same smug expression Gabriel had. Once they opened the door a song filled his ears, Gabriel recognized it it was called, 'LoneDigger' By Caravan Palace .

"Boss we have him!" The guards yell as a moose of a man walks out int a tux. His face smugly has a grin on it. Gabriel muffled screams and useless squirming distracts the young man's attention. "Boss beware he's a special one..." The guards say meeting their  boss as Gabriel's eyes flicker meeting the moose's eyes, with a glimmer mischief as he stops his squirming.

Gabriel grunts as their so called 'boss' rips the tape off of Gabriel's tender mouth. "So your their heh boss," Gabriel remarks. "Do you know who I am Gabriel?"

"No. Should I?" Gabriel sarcastically smirks, "but how do you know me?" He asks. Sam looked young maybe as young as Gabriel, who is 19. Sam had longish hair that is slicked back like Gabriel's, whiskey colored eyes, and a lean face.

"I know everything that happens in this city." Sam answers. "So you know everything?" Gabriel sends a wink to Sam.

Sam then groans as he grabs Gabriel by the hand and pulls him up. The moose of a man is like 7 inches taller than him causing Gabriel to gasp from the pure force.

Gabriel leans forward and smirks, "wow your not even gonna take me on a date first?"

Sam growls softly as he turns Gabriel around pushes him to the wall. One of Sam's large hands is clamped around Gabriel's neck and the other holds his hands like handcuffs. "I like my men rough," Gabriel purrs, seductively, causing Sam to clamp down harder.

Gabriel chokes as Sam introduces himself, "I'm Sam Winchester as you know I co-run Wayward Industries with my brothers Lucifer and Dean."

"I know," Gabriel gets in between every choke or gasp for air. "So you do?" Sam chuckles darkly raising an eyebrow as he lets go of The Trickster. "Ramiel and Balthazar take our new guest to his room," Sam orders from the couch, "I need to make a call."

Gabriel was rushed by the guards Ramiel and Balthazar, "whoa hey guys I can help you escape from Sam!" Gabriel tries to bargain, "shouldn't it be the other way around?" Ramiel grins before opening a huge room.

Everything is white, shiny, or a jewel of some sort. The large king sized bed has a fur blanket draped over it along with matching pillows. "Fuck I knew he was rich but seriously?!" Gabriel mutters, there are two large doors at either end of the room. One led to a large balcony and the other a large bathroom; with 3 sinks, a big ass tiled and glass shower, hot tub looking jacuzzi, and a walk in closet. "Damn maybe this won't be so bad...."

A:N: Hey how did you like it? Was part 2 good???? Vote for this please and help me get this popular! I know I am an attention whore....

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