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"It's good to have you here, Sean." Gideon addressed the young man sitting at the other end of the plush leather sofa. "You're our first curious boy."

Sean laughed nervously. "It's good to be here." He paused. "I'm the...first?"

"Indeed." Gideon leaned back and rested his ankle on his knee, cast a smile at the camera, then scratched his temple. "You seem a little nervous."

"Yeah," Sean chuckled. "Just a little." He was in his early twenties with dark blond hair and a beautifully athletic body. There was just enough shyness about him to be endearing, yet behind those enchanting blue eyes was that spark of curiosity that convinced Gideon this would be a life-changing experience for Sean. At the moment, he was having a tough time relaxing and kept picking at his white shirt and navy-blue blazer.

Gideon asked, "Did you think you would ever be doing something like this?"

"No," Sean answered quickly, with emphasis, then laughed quietly. "Never."

Smiling, Gideon looked at the camera. "Sean, among others, has answered my call to straight boys who want to explore that twinge of curiosity about the sex lives of their gay brethren. This is a new segment and we'll be featuring new curious boys periodically. That's all there is to say about this segment, so let's get back to Sean." He faced the young man and got straight to the point. "So, tell us, Sean...have you ever had sex with a man?"


"Any fantasies in there that you've kept all to yourself?"

Sean shook his head and smiled. "No. I've always been one-hundred-percent straight. Always into girls."

"All right," Gideon said. "So, what made you curious about gay sex?"

Clearing his throat, Sean laughed anxiously. "Well..." He glanced uncertainly at the cameras and fidgeted with his blazer some more.

"It's okay," Gideon assured. "You're among friends. No need to feel nervous or embarrassed. There's no judgment here."

"Okay..." Sean shifted again. "Well...uh...there was this girl, see? I'd been..." He paused, searching for his words. "I guess...lusting after the only word I can think of."

Gideon chuckled. "Trust me, it's a word we're well familiar with. Go on."

"I mean, I really, really wanted to..." he swallowed and looked sheepish. "I'm not sure what words I'm allowed to use."

Gideon laughed. "There are no forbidden words. You have total verbal freedom. So, you really, really wanted to...?"

Sean took a deep breath and started to relax some. "Fuck her."

"Uh huh," Gideon nodded.

"But she was kind of kinky, you know? And she said she'd only let me fuck her if..." He grinned and rubbed his hand over his mouth and shifted again on the sofa. "If I let her fuck me first, know...with a..."

"Strap-on dildo?" Gideon helped him.

"Yeah." Sean absently itched the side of his nose. His heel tapped erratically against the carpet.

"And you let her?"

"I wasn't sure about it at first," Sean said. "I kind of thought if I..." He gestured with his hands, struggling again with his words.

"Took it up the ass?" Gideon aided with a smile.

"Yeah. Exactly," Sean nodded. "Then it would mean I was gay."

Gideon laughed lightly. "Sorry. I don't mean to laugh. But straight boy logic always amuses me. Please, continue."

"I really wanted this chic, so I agreed."

"And how was it?"

Sean squirmed with the memory of his 'first time'. "Felt weird at first, a little painful," he murmured, his cheeks flushing a pinkish hue that Gideon found adorable. "But started to feel really good. She was hitting something in there that blew my fucking mind." His breath quickened just a bit and Gideon noted the slight swell in his crotch. "She made me cum without either of us touching my..." he shook his head, "I didn't even know a guy could cum without direct stimulation."

Gideon cleared his throat and smiled. "Oh yeah."

"So, we did it a few times," Sean said, growing more relaxed—and aroused—by the minute. "And after a while, I liked taking it more than giving it. I even bought a toy and...and started doing it to myself." He faltered and blushed a deeper crimson when he realized how readily he'd admitted such things.

"Again, no need to feel embarrassed," Gideon assured. "All the boys here, and likely most of our viewers, have used many different toys. It's a natural first step when exploring a new sexual lifestyle."

Sean nodded and resumed, relaxing against the sofa. "I started surfing gay porn websites, watching guys fuck each other. really turned me on how hard they fucked. The girl I'd been with couldn't fuck that hard." He licked his lips, the light behind his eyes growing brighter the more he talked about his developing curiosity. "It kind of freaked me out when I started watching more gay porn than straight porn. And then thinking about getting fucked by men, instead of fucking women. I wanted to experience it for real—a real-life cock in my ass, you know? Just pounding me into the mattress. Know what I mean?"

Chuckling deeply, Gideon nodded. "Oh yeah, I know what you mean. We all do."

Sean took a couple deep, shaky breaths. "But I was kind of scared. I didn't want to end up with some guy who might decide to rape me."

"Can't be too careful," Gideon replied sincerely. "That's for sure."

"Yeah, exactly. I wanted to be careful and smart about it but didn't know how to go about finding the right man." He shook his head. "I couldn't ask anyone because, I mean, shit—I didn't want my friends to know I was hunting for cock." He laughed low. "Hell, I started thinking about them fucking me—my own friends—and wished one of them was into it. But there was no fucking way I was going to ask."

Gideon laughed. "Understandable."

"Then I found your website and saw your post about the Curious Boys segment, and your invitation to all the curious boys out there. It was exactly what I was looking for—a controlled environment where I knew I would be safe. And, you guys with big cocks to do the honors."

"That's us," Gideon grinned. "And that's exactly why I wanted to do a segment like this. A lot of straight boys out there are curious, but to avoid being found out, they sometimes make bad—and dangerous—choices just to satisfy that curiosity. With us, they're safe and they get paid."

"That was definitely a selling point for me," Sean admitted with a laugh. "And, of course, all the fucking gorgeous men on your website."

Gideon was intrigued. Often, straight men who were simply curious about the sex, didn't necessarily find other men attractive in the same sense that they found women attractive. Sean seemed able to appreciate another man's appearance as well as his sexual prowess. He was eager to see the end result of this journey Sean was about to embark on.

"So?" Gideon dropped his foot to the floor and leaned forward, lightly smacking Sean's knee. "You ready to meet some of the boys? Get to know them? Then you'll choose which one gets the honor of fucking you." He smiled and winked. "Sound good?"

Sean groaned, his face splitting with a grin. "Sounds great."

SEAN: Curious Boys #1 (Boys of Porn)Where stories live. Discover now