chapter 1_ childhood

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grade 5 to now ....

Maddy's POV

Grade 5 was a pretty hard year, it was the year where everything went down hill ! My parents couldent stand each other so they seperated but i try to rememeber the happy things !

' FLASHBACK ' grade 1

" Mommy , Daddy come here i have something to show you ! " what is it dear "? " I  made somethings for you guys to share ,like this pie and cake " i say pulling out plactic tiny desserts ! " mhhmmm " they say well taking a big gulp of air ! I love the fact that even though im old enough too understand that they dident eat a peice they still pretend to take a bite ! 


Maddy's POV 

GRADE 11>>>>> atm <>

" Hey look at that ugly thing " one of the blonde populars say, to be honest i don't pay attention to them ! I got used to the names , it started back to the 5th grade when my parents got devorced i started to get depressed . But refused to show it .

'FLASHBACK' grade 5

My best friend Niall was over for a sleepover because we were asuming it was going to be a snow day tomorrow , when all of a sudden a heard a bang followed by a scream from an all to familiar voice ... mom " get out of my house right now ,your not good enough for this family . Alls you do is drink, eat party and sleep, then repeat almost the exact same thing the next day . I'm still suprised that your daughter even calls you dad anym------ ''my mom says, but was rudely cut off by a seris of bangs . I look over my shoulder at the now frightened Niall and tell him to stay put ,so i can creep down the stairs , before he could fight with me i crept down the stairs , making sure that i missed the 5th step so it dident creek  . I got down to the bottom of the steps to look over and see my dad there clenching his fist borring his eyes into my mothers now depressed face ... and then just storming out without a word to either one of us . I soon headed back upstairs only to find my window wide opened and Niall gone .


Maddy's POV

 I hope i dident foget to mention Niall still hasent talked to me for 6 years now , other than calling me names such as ' suicidal freak ' ,  ' b*tch 'or phrases like ' go cut again ', ' why don't you die already ' and alot worst ! He also told the hole school what happened with my parents and left me with no friends . 

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