What's going on?!

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Jason's P.O.V

We all ran to Marisol's side and Karla ran in the school and went to us as well. "What the hell happened?!" Karla asked and Olivia looked at a girl with dark brown hair and a pink dress and white shoes on. The girl just looked back and smiles and walked off.

Olivia was mad at that point she got up and was about to run to her. But Ty grabbed her and held her back. "Olivia don't wast your time on her. We need to get Marisol to a hospital right now." Ty said and Olivia had calmed down and nodded.

"We can't." Seto said and looked at Ty. "Why not?!" Ty yelled and looked at Seto. "I'll explain on the way home. Cone on!" and with that I picked Marisol up and we all ran out of the school and ran home avoiding anyone in our way.

"So why can't she go to the hospital?!" Ty yelled and kept running. "May I remind you that really no one has seen people like us! And the fact that scientist are looking for us!" Seto yelled and his eyes turned red and his hand turned into fist.

"Seto calm down. Its going to be okay." Karla said and Seto kept looking forward and nodded. "Okay." was all Seto said and we went into the tree house and laid her down on a bed.

>TimeSkip about 2 hours<

Seto's P.O.V

I tried everything I could do... I tried every spell that would heal her and it barley helped. All it healed was the wound on her stomach. But not the cuts down her arm. "Is she awake yet?" Jason asked as he walked in.

"No... She hasn't woken up at all..." I said as I walked to the other side getting another spell book to look for another spell that would help. "Found one. Might want to step back Jason." I said as Jason back up enough for me to do the spell.

I read the spell and put my hands on her arms and the most weirdest thing happened. When I did the spell there was a spark that was the color red... That's not good... "What was that?" Jason asked and moved towards us again.

"How is that possible?!" I yelled as I repeated the spell over and over and it did the same thing! "What's wrong?!" Jason yelled and started to freak out. "Whatever Marisol was stabbed with it had something on it and its not taking in the spell to heal her. And it may cause her to not be able to use her powers..." I said as I looked in the book but it had no use...

"Well it there a cure for it?" Jason asked and kept looking at me. "Don't know. I'll look and see if there is one." I said and walked all around the room looking at different spell books.

Stacy's P.O.V

After school I went home and opened the door. "Sis? You home?" I called out to my sister who should be here doing who knows what. "I'm in here!" she yelled from her 'room'.

I walked in to see her in the room working on another plan. "Got anything yet?" I asked going up to see the plan. "Not really... Only have like 15% of it. And did you do your part?" she asked and I took out the scissors with blood on it. She smiled and hugged me.

"Your just like me!" She said and let me go. "I learned from the best Dawn." I smiled at my sister and she smiled back. "Well that should work on her in no time. For now I just need to figure out how to get Jason." She said and started to write things down.

"Well I'm going to me room Dawn. I have to do homework." I said and walked out her room and went to mine. I closed the door and looked at the blood covered scissors and smiled. "You will never be better than me."

And with that I hid the scissors and pulled out my homework and started to work on it.


I wanted to end it here but I said no and went on just a little longer. Because I have not given you Wolfs my best an I was gone for a while. So sorry about that. And now. Read on please. Talk to you Wolfs at the end.


Marisol's P.O.V

Darkness... That's all I see. Is darkness nothing else but darkness and darkness and oh wait! Darkness...

Then I saw a light. And some of you say 'Don't go to the light!'... Well fuck it! I have no where else to go! and with that I walked towards the light and when I reached it I saw... a... Lady?

It was a lady in white. A white dress white shoes. She had grey hair and was sitting on green grass. (The grass was not Orange. Trust me.) "Uh. Hello?" I said walking up to her.

"Hello my child." She said and looked at me with a friendly smile. I gave her a smile back. "Do you know where I am?" I asked and sat by her.

"You are in the after life." She said and pointed all around her. And I have no words to explain how beautiful it was. "So... I died?" I asked and looked at the lady in white.

"No. It's not your time. You have something special. You and a group of people are needed. But you can't go until they find out something that is important." She said and created something in her hand.

"What is the important thing?" I asked and she shows me. "Are you serious!!" I backed away and looked in shock. I didn't know what to think at all at this point. "That can't be true!!" I yelled and walked back and fourth. "Im sorry but it is." She said and it disappeared.

And now I have to stay here until they find out the important thing... I think in going to be here for a while...



Hey. Sorry I have not been updating. And I have no excuse for why I was gone. And I was running out of ideas but now I have a lot of ideas. yay.

Anyways thank you for reading my so called book. If you know anyone who would like this book. Go show it to them! Thanks for reading my so called book. Make sure to leave a like and comment on this and see you Wolfs later. IM OUT!!!



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