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(It's only going to be 2 P.O.V's so sorry those are going to be Marisol's P.O.V and Seto's P.O.V. so sorry if you don't want that.)

Marisol's P.O.V

Karla and I where going upstairs to talk but then I stopped her. "Karla wait I need to talk to Seto." I said and walked back downstairs and grabbed Setos arm and walked outside. "Seto I need to tell you something. But you have to promise to keep it between us and Karla and no one else ok?" I asked Seto.

"But what happens if I tell someone else?" Seto asked me with a look of wonder in his eyes. "Then I'll.... Tell Jason that you hurt my feelings. And you know what happens when Jason gets mad." I looke at Seto who was drained of all his color.

I smiled and looked at Seto and took a deep breath. "Karla.... Well she.... She is just like me." Seto looked at me confused. "What do you mean like you Marisol?" Then I hear Karla coming back downstairs. And then I hear a knock on the door. "Hey Marisol, Adam and I are going to get ice cream. Do you want anything?" I looked at her with a smile. "No it's ok. Go on. Go with Adam and enjoy time with him. You guys haven't spent time together." She laughed and closed the door and shouted goodbye to everyone.

I waited to hear the door close and sure enough it did. I continued to talk to Seto. "So what I mean by that is she is also part Wolf." I said and Seto's eyes went wide. "But how?!" He yelled and. I covered his mouth with my hand. "Sh! Not so loud!" I whispered yelled at him. Then I felt something wet on my hand.

"Eww Seto! Did you just lick my hand!" I yelled and he had a smile on his face and he said yes. All I did was roll my eyes at him. "So... How did she turn being half Wolf?" He asked and went serious again.

>After explaining Karla's flash back which was in a chapter called 'The truth about you.'<

Seto's P.O.V

I can't believe Karla went through all of that.... He own parents sold her..... She was tested on by what looks like a freak.... She was bullied and she had to raise herself. It's not right for anyone to go through that.

"Now do you understand why I'm telling you this?" Marisol asked me while looking at me. "Yeah. But why did you tell me this?" I asked and she face palmed. "Because they are after her and you and I are going to protect her and keep her safe." She said. Wow. For a 13 year old she can be serious.

"Ok. Yeah we will keep her safe." I said and she smiled and took my hand and we both walked inside. We went to the living room and watched Tv with the others. Then something on Tv came on and Marisol took the remote quickly and changed it.

What was that about? Maybe it was the thing that we talked about. Marisol looked like she was trying to fight something. But what? Then she relaxed. This is a weird day today... Then Karla and Adam came back.

And Adam had... Ice Cream on his face? What? "Adam what happened to your face?" Ty asked trying to hold in a laugh. "Karla smushed my ice cream in my face..." he said looking at the empty cone. "Wow. Good job Karla." Marisol said laughing with everyone.

"What? He said he wanted to put his face in the ice cream so I was helping." Karla said smiling.


Hi everyone! Im back! But I don't know how long I will be back...

Anyways what should I fix in this book? Anyways Thank you for reading my so called book. If you think someone you know would like this book show it to them. See you Wolfs later. IM OUT!!!


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