Chapter (36)

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Drey (up top)
"You think you could run away from me? HUH!"

"I-I-I'm s-s-"

"You don't even know how sorry you finna be, cause I'm going to fuck You up so'am"

"Ma'am, you have to wake up."

Snapping my eyes open and jumping up, I was still in the back of the cab. My breathing was out of control and I could feel my body sticking to the leather seats of the car.

"Ma'am look, I have let you sleep for about an hour.. but it is going on close to midnight, and sorry to say but it was brought to my attention that you have illegal possessions on you. Now you have to give me my money and leave." Looking at him, I felt a way that he went through my belongings but I didn't act on it cause I still felt where he was coming from.

"Sir I'm sorry, look how much is the ride." He looked me up and down, then up to the sky. He looked like he was contemplating on something within himself and I was lost on what it was.

"Free of charge, you look like you are really going through something considering lack of luggage and clean clothes so just get out of here for I change my mind." Thanking him I snatched up my bag and got out the car, the cold air hitting my body considering it wasn't covered up properly.

The air outside was pretty chilly, and all around me was leaves. I figured it was fall cause that was the only time of year it was chilly outside but a sweater was all you needed. Considering I never really went outside that much I only really had house clothes and right about now I was standing in basketball shorts that had a hole in between the thighs, and a tank top with a droplet blood stain on it.

I didn't have on socks and I managed to shove my feet into a pair of my old wore down boots I got in the tenth grade. There was only so much he let me take with me.

Looking at the building, it was hard to move from my spot. I was freezing and boobs were showing it, I wasn't allowed to keep a bras it wasn't what he wanted around his house.

"Moe...go." Swinging the bag around my shoulder, I turned around and made my way towards the park. I needed to get my thoughts together before I just show up at my parents door.

Taking a seat on the cold park bench I shivered away from the cold pulling my knees towards my chest. Last time I checked my mom was packed and gone, and my dad didn't give zero fucks about me.

"Nanni." Whispering to myself I rose up from the seat with enough courage to make it. My sister was the only person that didn't hate me, and she was the only person I was really looking forward to seeing.

Making my way to the building, I stood up against the wall hiding my face as I waited for someone to come out the building. My hair was all over the place and I knew my attire didn't make sense for this weather so people's first impression would probably be that I'm a crack head.

Sitting on the steps, I waited for about ten minutes before I looked up at the sky and started praying. I wasn't praying for much, I wasn't even praying for the door to magically open somehow. "God please show me some sign that you got me." Pausing to whisper amen, I tried making a cross with my fingers and kissing it before I let my head fall into my laps as the tears started to pour down.

The moon was high in the sky and I pictured back to being in my room, having silence surround me starring out my window. Being able to even remember those moments was just a blessing from me, the amount of head impacts I've had being in that house I'm surprised I don't have a concussion.

Still with my head in my lap, I was drifting to sleep as I heard noise next to me like a plastic bag moving.

"HEY! HEY!" Being punched in my eye I was knocked to the ground as I watched some other bum rummage through my things. I didn't want to fight him and I was going to give him what ever he needed, but his hand and the ripping of my clothes just got him in trouble.

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