Scared of rejection

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Jughead's POV:

"For fucks sakes" I whisper under by breath. I shoot up from my kneeling position and speed walk out of the room and into the living room. I hate to leave Betty like that but damn. What have I gotten myself into. She doesn't deserve a guy like me. She says it's not my fault but the only reason why they kidnapped betty was because they wanted to get back at me. They wanted her to cause me pain to get what they wanted. We just fucking kissed and don't get me wrong I'm happy about the kiss but I can't drag her down like this. She is probably so confused right now. I mean I just kissed her and left. She probably thinks I hate her now and that's not it at all! In fact it's the exact opposite.

"Jug?" I hear a sweet soft voice from behind me. Turning around slowing I see her standing in the doorway of my room wearing her pink pajama shorts and white tank top. Which may I add is a bit see through. But as I look into her eyes I see her glossed over eyes ready to spill with tears at any moment.

"Betty don't do that. Don't cry. It's nothing wrong with you it's me. I just...I don't want you to get hurt again because I care so damn much about you! And before you say anything about how it's not my fault you should know that it is. Malachi would not have went after you to get what he wanted if I did not care about you so much."

"Jug. If anything you saved me." I was taken aback by her comment.
"If you weren't there the night I went to the south side I might be dead."

"Bett-" I was cut off by Betty.

"Jug I want to hear you say outloud that everything that happened was not your fault." She looks at me with tears now streaming down her face. I pause for a minute until I finally get myself to say it.

   "It wasn't my fault." I don't even make eye contact when I say this. I keep my head at the ground. I feel a small soft hand lift my face up only to be faced with her.

   "Thank you," She speaks is a soft voice.

~Next Morning~
Jughead's POV:

"Jug. Juggie wake up. Jug!" I'm shaken awake by a frightened Betty.

"Betty what's wrong?" I question running my head and groaning as I sit up.

"There's crashing and yelling from downstairs," she speaks to me in a whisper afraid someone will hear her.

"YOU BITCH!" I can hear sweet pea yelling from all the way up here but I know he's not yelling at who Betty thinks he is because someone would have came up here and told me by now.

"Hey Betts calm down. It's only sweets. Someone probably just took his beer or something. But if it makes you feel better I'll go check it out." She nods at my offer and I quickly get up and run down out the door and head downstairs to the bar with nothing but sweatpants on. "What the hell is going on down here?" I question more towards sweet pea then anyone.

"These morons poured a bucket of ice water on me while I was sleeping!" He motions towards Toni and Fangs who are laughing their asses off.

"Well can you tone down the screaming? Betty woke me up all worried almost crying because she thought Ghoulies were here," I say softly to him not wanting Betty to hear. And head for the stairs. Before I hear a

"Damn he's whipped," from under Fangs breath. But I ignore it pretending I didn't hear it.

Betty's POV:

When jughead went downstairs I couldn't help but think about our kiss last night. I thought something might have been going on between him and Toni. I don't think Jughead is the type of person to kiss another girl when he's taken. It just doesn't seem like him but then again I have only known him for about a week. Oh my god! I've been away for a week! My friends must be so worried!

   Jughead walks in through the front door and I walk up to him and quickly ask him "Can I please borrow your phone?"

   "Yea sure. But why do you need my phone?" While asking he goes for his front pocket and hands me his phone.

   "My friends...they must be worried sick. I forgot all about them!" I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch as I dial Kevin's phone number.



   "Oh my god Betty is that you?"

   "Yea Kev it's me."

   "Everyone's been so worried! Your mother told us you ran away! Just left town. I tried to call your cell but got no response."

   "I'm so sorry! And I think it's important that you know that I didn't run mom kicked me out." Tears started to blur my vision as I said this. Suddenly I feel a dip on the couch in the seat next to me and a had gently start to rub circles on my back.

   "Where have you been staying at if she kicked you out. WAIT! Who's phone are you using?"

    "It's ok Kev. I met someone on the south side and I have been staying here with him ever since my mom kicked me out-"

   "YOUR ON THE SOUTH SIDE! Betty! Give me your address right now I'm coming to pick you up!"

   "Kevin I'm okay, really. Jughead has been really nice to me and-"

   "Are you talking about Jughead Jones!"

   "Yes do you know him? And also stop cutting me off it's-"

   "Gang leaders son Jughead Jones!?" Oh my god...I didn't know what. I slowly put Jughead's phone down on the couch and move my gaze over to Jughead who still was sitting next to me.

   "Betty what's wrong?" Jughead questions looking at me with worry in his eyes.

   "Are you Forsyth's son? The leader of the serpents?" He groans in frustration wiping his hands over his face. "So you are? Why didn't you tell me?"

   "I didn't want to scare you off. I'm not as bad as everyone thinks. Please believe me."

   "Jug-" I start but get cut off.

   "Have I not proved to you over the past week that I'm not as bad as everyone on the north side makes me out to be?"

   "Yes and that's why I don't know why you didn't tell me sooner," my eyes start to tear up again but this time they actually make their way down my cheeks, down to my chin, Falling onto Jughead's hand that he placed onto my knee.

   "I was just scared. I was mainly scared of you being scared of me. Scared of rejection." He looks down at the ground but I lift his face with my hands.

   "Not after everything you did for me," I say to him in a whisper until he quickly crashed his lips to mine sending electricity through my vanes but also catching me by surprise but it didn't take me long to kiss him back and melt into the kiss. Slowly we pull out lips apart and rest out for heads together looking into each others eyes.

   "Betty Cooper. Will you be my girlfriend?"

~A bughead story~ BROKENWhere stories live. Discover now